
Do the ideals of equality and liberty conflict?

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How is it possible to treat everyone equally, when we all are different? Shouldn't the harder workers be rewarded over the people that do nothing.




  1. Prisons, Jails The Law, Free Speech Issues.

    Theft and Robbery are prison or jail offences depending on what is taken ,how and how much. Also if deaths did occur.

    Counterfiting is also a source of conflict but again might be dealt with were each person to make their own currency. The point being that while it might be possible to imitate a Government currency that for people to make their own may be possible instead.

  2. That's why you have capitalism and communist countries. Equality just means you're treated equally as a person, not literally equally like everyone becomes identical-like.

  3. The person with the most money is always more equal than everyone else when it comes to liberty.

    In America we also try to pacify those that whine the loudest. The Al Sharptons of the world are more equal than people like Imus-who while is wealthy doesn't whine as loud as the Reverend (who owns close to nothing-or so he claimed after being sued in Poughkeepsie, NY). Because he whines louder he is more equal.

  4. Because none of us are equal.  Some are smarter than others.  Some are better at sports.

    Some are virtuous, some are criminals.  Some are industrious, and some are lazy.

    Why do people believe that we are all supposed to be equal?

    We are all supposed to be treated equally by government.  We are all supposed to be equal before the law.

    SInce this is the case, why hasn't Alberto Gonzales, the former Attorney General, been indicted?  He admitted that he violated the rights of American citizens in his illegal enforcement of the "Patriot Act".  This is a felony.  Shouldn't he be under indictment?

  5. The same way that people want to be treated equally, but still accept any rewards given to them based on their differences.

  6. The theory is Darwinism

  7. ok then

  8. Equality of opportunity does not, nor should it, guarantee equality of results.

  9. Yes they conflict.

    Inequality exists as long as liberty exists. It unavoidably results from liberty itself.

  10. Rewards are not given out to those who deserve them but to those who position themselves thru timing.

  11. You should be at liberty to pursue equal opportunity.  

    It's not necessary that everyone be equal, it is necessary that everyone should have the same opportunity to pursue their lawful goals, dreams, etc.

  12. To some degree, yes. This is, in essence, the main difference between the US and the (former) USSR: the USSR wanted equal money and treatment for everyone (and got it by giving their govt total authority to MAKE people equal); the US wants freedom from any kind of oppression. You're right in saying that people are inherently unequal; however,by giving people freedom, we give them equal OPPURTUNITY to become what they want to be. So the two can work together sometimes.

  13. No, they don't conflict. It is possible for some people to emphasize equality more than liberty or vice versa, but the two concepts do not automatically conflict. Equality in terms of race has absolutely nothing to do with oppressing liberty -- unless you think that people should have the right to discriminate against people because of their race, which makes no sense.

    Equality in terms of economic results, .... now that is when you have the conflict with liberty.

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