
Do the indians really celebrate INDEPENDENCE DAY with?

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the same zeal and enthusiasm as indians did five decades ago. preparations are on a high roll, students in school are preparing for independence day celebrations in school, politicians r preparing their speeches, bla bla bla...

is this worth. does this really give contentment to the hearts of countrymen that their country is an independent country and.......




  1. Uh, sometimes.

  2. Not at all. It is celebrated as the routine job and nos. of Promises by the Government.

  3. Yes,by hoisting our National flag at my home.

  4. Those who know the real value of Independence Day , they all celebrate this day in a grand manner. Those who have born recently , do not know the significance of this day may treat or think this day is not important. Yours VRVRAO

  5. With the changing time and the thinking the word patriotism is getting diluted meaning in the present governance of India.

    There was a time where the people admired the heroes of Independence... but some ministers of cabinet ranks are not ready to accept the freedom fighters like Veer Savarkar  and one can imagine the Independence day celebrations with such disintegrated leaders who divide the people within the country for the political gains and as you said it is only the speeches...bla.. bla.. bla...   But we have to change such a situation and create a New India for the younger generation of this country by making them aware of true patriots who gave their life for independence and imbibe the great cultural value of this nation... Let us heartily celebrate the day.

  6. same o...same o...routine....

  7. NO . real Natives know the cost and do not celebrate it.

  8. Unfortunately not like festivals like Diwali, Holi, Id ,Goodfriday , Guru Nanak's birthday and scores of other festivals are celebrated with sweets ,colours, worshiping etc  in indian homes. Importance of Independance day is limited to having routine proceedures in public places by Govt. agencies and other establishments and sentimental value has gradually diminished. How long the assemblies at public places on independance day will also continue is to be watched and seen as public in general is getting gradually disenchanted and frustrated with the way things are going on and sufferings and injustices for common man at the hands of those in authority and places of power are increasing to unbearable levels.

  9. NO! people celebrate only for the joy of it. most of them don't even know why it is celebrated and who were the people that fougth in india to set it free.

  10. yes, sure all indians,

  11. Many  Indians, who are suffering from Natural calamities, political turmoil,Economic backwardness etc, will not celebrate the Independence day with same zeal and enthusiasm ,as happened in 1947. We are Independent politically but we have not got Economic freedom after 60 years of Independence, On the Independence day, we must swear to eradicate poverty, unemployment, Inequalities, illiteracy, and various problems in the field of health and sanitation . Thanks

  12. no I doubt it.

  13. No, they don't since they find that they have been cheated by their political leaders! All Indians can see that celebration of Independence Day and Republic Day have become compulsory official formalities in Govt. offices. The general public  is a disappointed and  dumb lot only to find that the real Independence is being enjoyed by politicians who mind their own business of amassing wealth for their generations and majority of whom are not bothered about the country. No body remembers those selfless sons of Mother India who gave up everything including their lives to bring independence.  Since politics has become a synonym for power and wealth, outlaws and goondas are adopting it as their respectful profession which does not require any qualification or noble qualities. This trend has killed the zeal and enthusiasm of the general public.

  14. not everybody

  15. Do the Indians really celebrate INDEPENDANCE DAY with the white europeans who brought them disease, drove them from their land and bottled them up in reservations?  

    I doubt it.

  16. I know some native americans and y now they really look at it as a time to just set of fireworks and have a bbq.  I dont think they even think about it

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