
Do the irish like america?

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- this question is intended ONLY for the irish.

i am in ireland at the moment visiting family, but i am american. born and raised their... but my family is irish... and i was just curious if the irish actualy liked americans... i havent noticed anything that would suggest they dont... but i have been treated soo poorly by all the other european countries already just because of my nationality.

technically i think all the irish people r very nice, and almost seem american (hopefully that isnt offensive to anyone) so i was just curious...

*sorry for any spelling mistakes that u might have found. i am very tired.. i just got back from an all day tour of the cliffs of moher...




  1. Personally I like Americans a lot.

    There is a stereotype about regarding Americans coming to other countries and harping on about how everything is bigger and better at home, which I experienced once and was extremely taken aback, but I am sure the guy didn't mean to be patronising.

  2. I can't speak for all Irish people. Some Americans I like a lot, some I cannot stand.

    Not all the Irish people are very nice. I'm glad that those you met were.

    I think many Irish and European people dislike US foreign policy, but that does not mean they dislike American people.

  3. do bears sh@t in the woods

  4. They love Americans, always have. They do not like a lot of your Recent Presidents, Nixon, Reagan, Bush. They consider them War Criminals, formenting Revolutions by Cloak and Dagger means. Infiltrating Cia Agent Provocateurs to cause Revolutions, and also  Invading Countries. The Kennedys , Carter, Clinton, they were Respected by the Irish as Great Presidents but the other Three were not. This is why there is a grievance by many Countries Citizens towards the US unfortunately. Mr Obama is liked for the moment  but if he becomes President and reverts to type and continues like Bush and his coherts he will be hated and unfortunately probably Americans. We do not like American Nuclear Missiles being Placed in the Czech Republic as this could cause a New Cold War again with the Russians feeling under threat, and also the situation in Iraq. But in Ireland we realize it is not the Ordinary Americans Fault that they have Corrupt Government, we Love you all.

    The American Accent is supposed to be Rooted in the Irish Accent and also of course English but the Irish Accent plays a big Part in the American Accent.

    Like Trish Said you will come across the rather nasty minded Irish Person as well, but they can be that way with any Nationality not just Americans.

  5. Of course we do. We have a laugh at them sometimes when they come out with bulls..t.

    We don't like Bush though.  

  6. when you say we seem american

    i hope you were only on about the dublin people

    i hate america




    i hate dublin too.

    but that's a whole different thing.

    but americans believe

    that because their great-great-great-great grandfather was from Ireland

    that they're Irish too.

    and they come here and are







    and think we are only here to serve them and them only.

    if they're soooooooooo ******* Irish

    they'd act like it

    and learn a bit about Ireland

  7. They like Americans,no reason not to.It's the nutty government we take issue with.

  8. Personally I've always found Europeans easier to relate to. I've been to various places in Europe and have even lived in Germany and the Netherlands, and generally got on with most Europeans.

    I don't find you saying that Irish almost seem American to be offensive, but I do think it's horribly patronising of you to say such a thing. Many Irish are used to dealing with Americans, that's all it is.

    I would suggest that you are treated poorly in other European countries might be due to how so many Americans ***** about the cost of everything in Europe - I was in Italy in June, and that's all the Americans I saw there could seem to go on about. It gets very old very fast, that kind of griping.  

  9. I don't like your president, but most Americans I've met seem great. There was one guy really pissed me off though because he thought he knew everything and voiced his opinions about Irish politics without understanding a thing.

    Thing is, he was an ******** and I wouldn't judge everyone in your country from one idiot, just like I would hope you wouldn't judge us from an ********.

    Enjoy your stay.

    By the way, I like your accent.

  10. wth , ?

  11. I personally love Americans and their accents!! and hopfully i can go an study thier some day!!

  12. yes we do

  13. Yeah I'm Irish and I love America and the people that live there!

    No problems what so ever!


  14. generally i get on well with american people though one think that really does annoy me is the way a huge portion of americans consider themselves to be irish simply because a very very very distant relation came from these shores!

  15. Do I like America? no not particularly.Great place to visit, but would not want to  live there.

    Do I like Americans?Yes.

    Most Americans I have meet have be charming and a pleasure to deal with. I have been to 7 US states and have family other there too.

    On the negative side..

    I feel very uncomfortable when an American says there are Irish. Particularly when they were born in USA to parents born in in USA to grandparents born in USA to great grand parents born in USA, you think...hmmm doesn't sound very Irish to me.

  16. If your a nice person then sure, but i wouldn't say that we're like americans in any way. Yes it may be considered quite offensive i know you don't mean it to be. The people here are like everywhere else you can have some very nice people and some very nasty characters

  17. Yes definately, I like Americans. I was there once on a J1 while studying at college and I loved it there. Sunshine all the time! People helped me, showed me around.I find them to be very warm and friendly.

    However there is the odd one who is loud-mouthed and obnoxious and thinks he knows everything, but you find those in Ireland and believe me the rest of Europe too!

    I hope you enjoy the rest of your stay.

  18. I'm Irish and I have family in America. I don't have anything against America. I hope to travel there in the future.

  19. Yes I do, been there 3 times and looking forward to my 4th!

  20. Of course we like America. Sher didn't we build half of it for ye?

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