
Do the japanese really have public baths?

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someone told me they do but isn't it Morly wrong to be naked in public?




  1. Yes they do.

    But of course you wrap around yourself with towels.

    And there are private ones too.

    If you go by friends you can use the bath only with your friends.

  2. Unisex public bath, or sentō, was a daily fact of life in Japan society since the 1800s. No more unisex noawadays for obvious reasons.

    It is only morally wrong perhaps for western society where the Judeo-Christian culture pervades most facets of life; then again what about nudist camps?

  3. yes in some places in japan

    so do some places in mexico

    i tried it once lol

  4. Going to public baths does not mean being naked publically. The baths are out in the open for passerbys to see. Most of them are segegrated by sexes anyway. Those that aren't, the people will wear towels to hide their naughty parts - in some mixed baths but not all!

    The two types of public baths are sento and onsen.

    Sento are public baths that you can find in cities without hot springs. It usually costs a few yen/dollars to use. You shower and clean BEFORE you get into the large size baths. Some of the baths have jacuzzi jets, some are scented, some are scalding hot, and some even have an electric charge!

    Onsen are hot spring baths found throughout Japan and popular destinations for Japanese travelers. Similar to the sento but often higher priced with better facilities. The waters are noted for having different medical properties.

  5. Yes, you can still find public baths in some parts of Japan. They are called "sentou".

    I think you misunderstaning the meaning of the word "public".The facilities at many of these places are slightly different, but most of them have seperate facilities for men and women.

    There is usually some lind of locker room where people change. This is just like any other looker room you'd find at any sports gym or swimming pool.

    Then, there's a washing/shower area. Again, this is basically the same thing you'd see at any gym or swimming pool.

    And, then there are some baths. These baths are communal but it's like sitting in a hot tub. There are usually a few baths to choose from and some of them have special minerals added to the water.

    There is nothing immoral about it. Most of these facilities are enclosed so you can't see in from the outside. Also, most have strict rules that you have to follow so you don't have to worry about people causing trouble.

    I think you may be confusing  a "sentou" with a "hot spring" ("onsen"). They are completely different things. At some resorts, you will find outdoor hot springs some of which allow both men and women to use the same hot spring. But, even in places like these, they are strict rules and most require you to cover up with a towel of some kind.

    I've been to quite a few sentos and found them to be quite relaxing. Some of them had excellent facilities and service.

  6. Yes and as to wether it's morally wong is up to you to judge .

  7. "Morly"??? Japan has had public baths for 100's of years. And it's not being naked in public. It's a bath ! There are different areas for males and females. People are taught to be not ashamed of their body.

      There are still homes in Japan that are too small to have a bath or shower. There's nothing immoral about it.

  8. yes, there are public baths in japan and i've been to these baths with my japanese friends several hundreds of times now and i kinda like it a lot. except the 'sausage fest' of course. but you got to cover your little brother with a small towel, so it was not a big problem.

  9. Yes they are everywhere in Japan, especially in old neighborhoods where the apartments used to not have baths inside.  The bath houses often have a high chimneyesque pipe with the hiragana letter yu (ゆ)written on them. Prices vary from 400 - 700 yen and most have several separate pools for your enjoyment.  They are divided by s*x and rooms switch depending on the day of the week.  Learn the Kanji for man and women before u go so you don't walk into the wrong room!

    There is nothing morally wrong with nudity.  It is just not socially acceptable in some cultures.

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