
Do the kids who take the special eduction classes go to college?

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I've always wondered what happens to them after they graduate.




  1. Elizabeth hit the nail on the head....there are some children who are in "special education" classes, but this does not mean they are "stupid" or "dumb" this just simply means that they need extra help now the children with more severe disabilities ( severe and profound) they do not attempt college because they simply do not have the mental capacity...those types of children's education is geared more toward life skills....simple  cooking and cleaning and learning where things are in the grocery store....just the simple things you and I take for granted everyday are simple thing they have to be taught...hope this helps answer your question...

  2. Just like anyone else some go to college some get jobs some dont really do anything some drop out.  it also depends on why their in special ed.  the ones with above average or average IQs are more likely to go to college right out of high school.

  3. Of course, they go to college. A lot depends on their disability. OHI (Other Health Impaired) are labeled for various medical problems. OI (Orthopedically Impaired) are placed due to physical disabilities. Then you have visually impaired or hearing impaired. just because they are in special education classes does not mean they are somehow inferior. Most just need strategies and opportunities to succeed.

    Imagine if we took away all corrected vision aids (glasses, contacts, etc.), those students would find schooling difficult, but with "special" equipment, they are successful.

    We even had a moderately impaired individual that is now attending a special college program that affords him the opportunity to become involved in campus life and have new experiences. Not quite the same educationally, but still there.

  4. It depends on the disability.  We have had some of our students go on to community colleges and tech schools and some of the disabled were physically, not mentally handicapped, so they were able to go on through universities.

    Alot of severly handicapped kids go into sheltered workshops or programs like Goodwill Industries where they gain employment   and can support themselves, but they may live in group homes.  There are many programs for disabled children after they graduate.

  5. Yes, they can.

  6. Sure!!!!

  7. You are not in the wrong section.  College attendance greatly depends upon the child's type of disability and its severity.  Many learning disabled or physically disabled  students attend college, but they are several types of disabilities (mental retardation, for instance) that do not have the academic ability to attend college.  Those student often enter job training programs based on their abilities and interests.

    **I see sheltered workshops on here.  Many states are cutting those out this fiscal year and restructuring the program.  Sheltered workshops will soon be the thing of the past in all states.  Replacing it will be inclusive work settings BUT an adult with disabilities will usually work LESS than five hours a week now!  I see many adults with disabilities being turned over to the state so that their families can work.

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