
Do the labour party really think they can win the general election with Gordon Brown as party leader?

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I think its so obvious that Tony Blair's style was more acceptable to the British public than the old school style of Brown.

They need a younger more modern style leader than Brown.

They will suffer a large defeat unless they do something soon.

It might already be too late.




  1. Labour will be out at the next election.  There is nothing they can do to save themselves.  The country wants a change.  

  2. I don't think they can win the election no matter who is the leader. That is quite unfortunate, not because Labour are brilliant but because the alternative are the Conservatives and they're a h**l of a lot worse.  

  3. he is a muppet !

    they will lose with him fact ! even his own mum dont like him  

  4. this is a topic you should be discussing with your local MP and other educated individuals like me - not with the low life scum on Y/A

  5. yahoo answers is 99% bias so dont ask your question here.

    What am i doing here you ask? Just surfing..

  6. Looks like Cameron is the next Prime Minster - but i am not positive on him being a leader to be honest - he cant do anything about the economy - its to far gone in my opinion  

  7. david milliband and im sure a few other labour MPs think not

    but like you say, i reckon its too late for them now

    brown shouldve called an election when it seemed like he was going to

    instead he bottled it and now is gonna look like a mug

  8. Where has this idea come from in recent years that to win an election a political party needs to have a schoolboy leading them otherwise they will not be voted for. The overwhelming majority of people in Britain who bother to vote at all are over forty and many are OAPs and they are more likely to support their peers.

    Remember Hague, excellent debater and orator as he is, lost Election against Blair because ultimately he was seen as too young, immature and inexperienced to be Britain's PM.Howard who was older and less immature and more experienced did better but still lost. In the USA McCain is standing at age of 71 and looks like having a good chance of beating the youthful Obama.and many regard Winston Churchill in his sixties as one of our greatest ever leaders and PMs.  

    So No i do not believe Labour's chances will improve just by  dumping Brown and put a schoolbou like Milliband as leader, That could well have the opposite effect. But there is still plenty of time for significent new issues to hit the headlines  and the unfortunate events of 2007/8 could be rapidly forgotten inside the notoriously short memories of the UK voting population. I also think it is only a matter of time before Cameron's image plummets when the media turn on his naivity like they do on everybody they first build up. May be the Tories should be the ones thinking about a new leader, and perhaps now Hague will have learnt from his mistakes and be the right man for that job now he is no longer "a fetus".

  9. I don't get peoples problem with Gordon Brown.

    he's reallyy trying to help the Uk

    and no one cares.

    They only want to critise.

    He got a ruined country

    and he's doing his best with it.

    And labour better win or we are screwed.

    The tories will make it so much worse.

  10. The alternative David Milliband will see them lose by more

  11. Labour are only ever permitted to win if the Tories have pissed every one off so much by splits or appalling policies that there is fighting in the street.  Either way, there has been little to choose between Labourt and the Conservatives ever!!  Even under Attlee the Labour Government spent 12 times as much on arms as they did on welfare.  Blair is a litle public school creep.   At Oxford, I don't remember the twerp being involved in politics and they were very political times, of course.  He was just an American puppet.  When distracted he would actually say,'FAB' at the end of sentences.

    Brown made two mistakes.  One, he did not call an election when he told all his cronies in Fleet Street that he was going to.  This made them look small in front of their editors and bosses and so he earned the quite astonishing hatred of the journo-parasites.  The other was he took office at the end of a trade cycle.  As Clinton said,'It's the economy, stupid.'  Given that both of them would be better off selling washing machines and vacuum cleaners, while Cameron and his buddies are a bunch of upper class, right wing idiots, and the Glib- Dems are so active I can't even remember the name of their top dog, who really cares?? A country gets the government it deserves,and the drunks, soccer fans and fat feminists who make up our intelligencia certainly deserve no better.

  12. Labour and conservatives are all useless, it's been proven time and time again yet the stupid people of this country continue to vote for them and we all suffer because of it.

    I have never voted but when the next election come up im voting BNP, there the only party who support the british working man, the only party who will put there foot down when it comes to immigration, all this talk about them been n**i's is bull, that's just a ploy made by the other party's and the people are stupid enough to believe it.

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