
Do the liberals know that they are basically communist?

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Do the liberals know that they are basically communist?




  1. Yes, and very proud of it.

  2. Do the Republicans basically know they are killing American Soldiers? Or how about the fact that Republicans are %95 percent WHITE? Maybe they are out of touch with America? I never call anyone communist, so those who criticize other parties must be insecure about there own thought process.

  3. The ignorance of that question is overwhelming.

    Liberalism is a political stance, the same way conservatism is a political stance.

    Communism is an economic system as capitalism is an economic system.

    With your logic I could ask if everyone knew that apples were also oranges.

  4. people like you make republicans look stupid! and im republican.....sort of, i think i might go independent.

  5. No, because they aren't.

  6. Liberals like Teddy Roosevelt, Republican, set up the National Parks.  Do you think thats a good idea?  He also set up food inspection so you don't get worms when you eat meat.  Bad idea?  Would you rather get worms?  Or botulism?  And Franklin Roosevelt, wow, what a Commie, he set up insurance on your bank deposits.  Why would you want to live without that?  What is it with you people?

  7. Do YOU know that you can't possibly have the slightest idea what the word "communism" means?

  8. Does anyone here know that a country divided against itself will fall.

  9. You know, I for one do not believe they are communist. There are extremes on both sides. We are all blessed to live in a country where we HAVE the freedom to express our differences. I will say this, I am a conservative and would DIE defending my liberal brothers right to express and pursue their freedom of choice, even if I may not agree with them. However it saddens me that they would not do the same for me. United we stand...divided we fall!

  10. You have a serious misunderstanding of both terms.  Specifically, communism is a system of government in which every aspect of the economy is centrally controlled and entreprenuers and free enterprise are not to be found.  Also, communist systems control access to and the distribution of housing, medical services, wages, and consumer goods.  I know of no Liberals in the United States who advocate such a system.  In the U.S., Liberalism simply means that the government and its resources can be utilized to help people who are in need, promote the general welfare (no, not free money on the 1st and the 15th of each month), and create progressive programs designed to improve the quality of life for all our citizens.  Conservatives tend to feel that the government is not a useful tool and that it hampers progress and business through over regulation.  They are simply wrong.  These are people who do not understand the abuses private industry os capable of if left to its own devices.  Read up on the Gilded Age and the Robber Barons.  Look at some Jacob Riis photo essays.  Read Sinclair's "The Jungle".  Life before the FDA, Medicare, Social Security, Welfare, and OSHA was not that great in America.  We are FAR better off now and there are still plenty of money making opportunities not just despite the government, but because of the government.

  11. Do conservatives know that they are basically arrogant?

  12. What?  No argument to back this up?  Just the stupid question, huh?

    Communism is the idea that we all make the same amount of money by equally contributing our goods to the community.  I'm not sure if you knew that or not... I have the feeling you were just tossing around big words.  

    Liberals believe in liberty.  

    If you're going to lump all liberals in as communists, you might want to play big boy and back it up with something.  Otherwise, you just sound like a little kid trying to be smart.

  13. I agree with 'vt500ascott2'  &  'rj72'  and anyone else that picked up on the the obvious fact that YOU DO NOT know the true meaning of the word 'communism'!!  Get a dictionary out BEFORE you start making comparisons.

  14. I doubt it....

  15. Actually we are not. We just pretend to be so as to annoy the truly ignorant and stupid!

    Enjoy your day.

  16. you are probably a neocon, which is similar to a lib.  hard to swallow, isn't it?

  17. Do the republicans know they are basically fascists?

  18. You don't even have a child's understanding of liberalism or communism.  Why not take a couple of college courses and get back to us with a legitimate question.

  19. Do neo-cons know they are modern day n**i

    's ?

  20. Ignorant people are so cute.

  21. Oh, and I suppose conservatives are basically constipated people...

  22. Yes they just dont know we know

  23. Now you are truly a good neocon, don't address any issue just attack attack attack.  Good boy, now go lay down.

  24. I know cons like you are basically dumb.

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