
Do the lucky numbers in fortune cookies really count?

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If you played them in the lottery and won would the state just laugh at you?




  1. If you won the lotter no one would be laughing at you.  One method of picking lottery numbers is as good as the next.  I have used fortune cookie numbers before and I didn't win the lottery using them.

  2. go for it... only one way to find out!

  3. Acctualy theres a great story behind it and I'm sorry I don't have a link.

    About 5 or so years ago there was close to a thousand people that hit 5 out of 6 numbers in the lottery. The lotto people thought there was a scam or something majorly wrong going on. They did an investigation and found out people played the numbers on the back of the fortune cookie. The fortune cookie company prints out thousands of the same fortunes and numbers that are the same (sorry to ruin it for you if you though "Your heart is filled with warmth and kindness" was acctualy your fortune.)

    So they had to dip into thier emergency lotto fund in the bank to pay these people out. They have emergency funds set up in bank accounts for such unexplainable type of events. In case anything wierd happens and they don't go bankrupt and get sued.

    Also, these people hit 5 of 6 numbers and won like $20,000 each or something. But the way that particular states lottery was set up, if they all hit 6 out of 6 numbers, they all would of had to been paid the total jackpot ammount. Most lotterys are set up if multiple winners match all numbers its split evenly. Not this one. The had to change the rules after that for such an event.

    And I think they even named it "The fortune cookie clause."

  4. no

  5. I guess that any number is just as good as any other one.  You should go for it =] .. and I'm sure that no one would laugh at you if you won the lottery =]..everyone would be jealous haha..

  6. A woman in San Antonio actually won the Lotto by using the numbers on her fortune cookie.  It was a few years ago and she won a few million Dollars.  But in reality, any number has just as good a chance of winning as any other number.

  7. 4 me they do

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