
Do the majority of people in Rome speak at least broken English, since the tourist industry is so big?

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Yes, I'm going there....I've been there before, but we stayed mainly in our groups (I was only 15) and didn't really get to socialize, but it seemed to me that many people spoke English. I've been trying to learn Italian the best I can by myself (I live in a small town and no Italian classes are offered), but I'm still worried about the language barrier. I'm going to try my best though! Thanks for the answers.....and for the Italians, I can't wait to be back at your beautiful country! Ciao




  1. most people all over the world speak some dont worry, you will find mor ethan enough italians speaking English.

  2. No.

  3. because english isn't their native language. most americans don't speak spanish even though we have a lot of mexicans inhibiting the land.

  4. They generally speak English, and it's usually better than "broken English."  But do learn some Italian - they will really appreciate it.  Plus it will help for reading signs, menus, etc.

  5. yes, and are you going there?

  6. A decent amount of people in Rome speak english, despite what many may say.  Because Rome is such a large tourist attraction to Italy and is full of businesses that cater to these tourists, english is somewhat widely spoken in shops.  When you get to more personal settings or the outskirts of the city you'll find it harder to communicate without basic Italian.  If you go to places of tourism (i.e.- pantheon, colosseum, etc.) you're bound to find plenty of people who speak english who can help you.

    Going out at night, I'd definately suggest the Campo Dei Fiore, since you don't have a lot of experience in Italian.  There's an American bar (the Drunken Ship) there that many students studying abroad visit and there are plenty of other bars as well in this square.  If you want to embrace the Italian nightlife try out some clubs but beware because you really need a solid understanding of Italian to get by.  This is a little of what I learned while I spent time there.  Hope this helps!!!

  7. Most people that work in stores speak some English, I don't know if it's taught in schools, it is in most European Countries.

  8. most of the english teacher at schol in italy they can't even speak well never been abroad at the university to became teacher there are i think just four exam in english

  9. I was there in April and had the same questions. Most of the people spoke at least some English. The only time I had issues was at restaurants when I tried to vary the order. You should at least learn some Italian like please and thank you to show that you have respect for them. Oh yeah and speak slowly to make it easier for them to understand. Overall, you will be fine.

  10. There are many people that speak English. Most of the waiters, museum staff etc. You'll find most of the younger people do as well but there's a lot of older people that don't.

    Buona fortuna

  11. In my experience - No. the tour opporators will speak English, but even in stops along the tourist track, you can't gaurentee that you'll find some one who can even understand it.

  12. Any foreigner going to Italy is expected to learn and speak at least basic Italian.  Even people who do speak English in Italy prefer not to.

    And no, just because there are tourists going to Rome that doesn’t mean that’s what it is all about.  There are ordinary people going about their normal lives there. (Like I did years ago)

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