
Do the majority of people think the war should end?

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Do the majority of people think the war should end?




  1. They sure do.  The day the U.S. can declare victory.

  2. Yes majority of them want it to end and end early.  Only very few want it to continue.

  3. Yes for the war in Iraq. War was based on lies.  

  4. I don't think it should have even been started.

  5. I think most think they want the war over.  But I don't think they understand the consequences of ending a war that isn't over.  

    I've served overseas, am married to a military man who's served overseas as well, and now we have a child.  I personally don't want either of us over there again, but I know it's the best thing to do right now.

    If we ended the war and left now, things would be worse.  The job's half done.  The terrorists would go to the Middle Eastern people and say "where are your military friends to keep you safe now?" and they'd totally massacre them, regain strength, take over, and then work on getting revenge on every coalition force that fought against them.  We've basically pissed them off and if we walked now, it'd get a whole lot worse than it ever was.  I say, why not finish the job while we're there?  Otherwise we'll be making the same mistake as we did in the first Gulf war, that's why we had to go back a second time, people don't want a third, do they?

    I think after 9/11 everyone wanted this war and then once they got it, they backed out and blamed Bush for the can't just start a war and then quit.  I wish people would understand that.  

    Believe me, I don't want to go back, but I know that life where I'm living could get a whole lot worse if we don't.  

  6. Probably, but not all for the same reasons.

  7. The Bushies have created one new reason after another for the war. They (Bush, Cheney, McSenile, etc.) will always come up with a new reason to continue. As much as I despised Richard Nixon, he based his campaign on his "Secret Plan" to end the Vietnamese War, which was Vietnamazation, and which eventually got the US out of the war, but the result as to the Vietnamese people was disastrous. However, the over-riding "reason" for the war - the domino effect, if VN goes communist, so will the rest of SE Asia, and the rest of the world - proved to be another misconception at best, and lie at worst.

    The final result in Iraq will be the same whether we get out now, or in 5 year, 10 years, or 50 years, just as in Viet Nam a generation ago.

  8. Even Obama no longer thinks that!  He wants to raise taxes to support it!

  9. Goodness, dear, there are no GOOD wars, only necessary wars (from individual nation's perspectives, of course, with a few exceptions, such as this one).

    This war is supported by multiple nations, as almost every nation has had problems with Islamic fundamentalists using violence and terrorism in their country to get what they want, all the while being cheered on by Islamic nations and their people.  Remember the cheering in the street?  The huge demonstrations after 9/11?  Remember that the next time you hear someone who is Islamic saying, "The majority of us are peaceful!"  Not a single Islamic government or representative dared say, "This is a bad thing and we condemn it."  Not one, until it was pointed out, that is.

    Some wars are necessary.

    Should it end?  Yes.  On our terms.

    Not theirs.

  10. Yes...AFTER the job is done!

  11. i think it should

  12. Yes ! If the mission is done then lets get our people home, what the problem with the USA they allow out side opinions to get in the way of our  goals.this group or this country and the list goes on,we cant go into a place and then leave these countrys  and those we made a promise to out to hang. if we are going to fight then lets fight and not worry if we blow up this house  or this building,if your a bad guy and are trying to kill our men and women then tuff S--T its on!! but i still think we should stop sending our money to others places and lets take care of our own people here in the United States,it is a shame we have to loose loved ones  but this country was not build on cowards.But lets keep our word.I think we have already won in IRAQ and now lets move on!!

  13. No clue--I haven't asked them.

    Personally, I think it would be a huge mistake to set a timeline like Obama wants as the terrorists will just hunker down and wait us out.

    As Iraq increasingly becomes better able to defend itself, we should slowly draw down forces.

  14. Listen if the troops pull out of iraq without iraq having a reliable government, whats to stop the jihadist to go flocking back. The same thing happend in somalia. The US sent marines and when Clinton pulled them out, Habir Ghadir or whatever his name was ended up slaughtering pakistani peacekeepers and continued his reign and then the states was forced to go back in to capture him. The same thing could happen if troops are pulled out without a strategy to keep the peace in iraq. They have to make sure that the current government in iraq is competent.

  15. i believe it should, but there's a few reasons why it shouldnt


  17. YES!

  18. which war, we're in two.

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