
Do the net helps in meeting a real Female to Dine and nice gossip's, well am from Hyderabad?

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Do the net helps in meeting a real Female to Dine and nice gossip's, well am from Hyderabad?




  1. Keep trying buddy n lemme know if you find

  2. if u are interested in a one night stand, then u r at the right place. judging by ur question, that seems to be the case. but if u r lookin for a serious relationship, i wouldnt say that its impossible, but, it is very very difficult to get the right person.

    The net gives u all sorts of define "real female" u mean as in the person who portrays herself being a woman, actually being a woman? or do u mean a nice good looking female? you gotta be more specific dude!!!!

  3. I think it's very possible to meet a nice girl on the net!

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