
Do the oil companies know something we don't ?

by  |  earlier

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when all the oil finally runs out what are the chances of some other wonderful source of energy suddenly appearing from the research lab of some major oil company ?

are they keeping something hidden until they've made as much money as possible from petroleum products ?




  1. Not likely. Developing an energy source that could replace the petroleum based energy could not be kept a secret. The company comping up with such a technology would have to invest a lot of money in developing this technology. It would also be incredibly stupid to hide it and risk someone else putting a patent application in the system and precluding them from making the obscene profits they are used to. All these companies are only after one thing: profit.

    The future of energy, in my opinion is better battery technology, better solar panels, and large solar arrays for power generation.

  2. Wow, that is a good question. maybe that is why they are trying to get as much as they can  as fast as they can. Have you seen the thing about the guy inventing his car to run on water. I think he calls it hho instead of h2o.

  3. petroleum could b harmful 4 our car n de gas evolved when it burns may b harmful 4 us.but those bloody a******s who work in de oil companies dont tell us coz v luv movin in vehicles.............n they dont wanna make us unhappy............

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