
Do the people limit the government? If so, how? if not, what prohibits them?

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In a Constitutional Monarchy like Great Britain.




  1. Yes people limit and control their servant government, Right now its government controling people, simply because govt control the educational system (which there not supposed to do) so they are dumbing down America. They dont want people capable of critical thinking to realize they are getting screwed by a system that threw them over-board decades ago.  However 9/11 woke alot of people up! .. finally!  People are starting with the IRS mainly but 2nd Amendment as well.

    People are learning that if they work in private business they as private non-government employees are not required under  Title 26 CFR to file or pay federal income taxes, and most states. Its never in the govt controlled mainstream media but people are winning U.S. Dist / Supreme Court cases against the IRS, and their backing off!  The more people face their servant govt. the more public it gets the better people regain control.  When people get their 2nd Amendment rights back in order (the checks and balances ) government will start to become at bey once again to their masters... We The People!

  2. The federal government was established by the signers of the Constitution, only to be turned into an agency which would be transformed even further to  "protect and serve." This means that the federal governmentis supposed to be our servant. However, the FDA forces doctors to prescribe drugs because if people turned to natural healing, the FDA would lose billions of dollars. The DEA commences to raid houses, telling the owners that they have full diction under the federa law to break down the house door, with force, without having to pay for anything. The problem with that is, obviously, the DEA does it so often, and they think that they are above the city and state law. That which is legal in the state, but not in federal law, is still "punishable," but under plastic existential government bodies.

    If we were limiting the government, then so many people wouldn't be in jail for nonviolent crimes, the CIA wouldn't be the biggest drug dealer in the country, and the president would actually be put in court for mass murder and impeached.

    But, it's because we're not limiting the government properly that this nation is THE biggest prison system in the world. It's because we're not limiting the government properly that we have a problem with police brutality under the auspices of discrimination and favoritism. Its because people are so afraid of standing up for what we believe in that the government has been allowed to grow far too powerful and too large. Now, they don't even protect us anymore. And serve us? They are leaning more towards trying to totalitarianize the US and limit our freedoms.

  3. In the USA, the people are the government.  The majority that is.  All government actions are taken with the full consent of the majority of the nation.  So, that question is like asking "how does the majority limit itself?"  Short answer: In a democratic republic, the majority does not limit itself.

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