
Do the police need more oversight? Testing? Prison?

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  1. This kind of thing happens in black neighborhoods every day, and no-one stirs up a fuss. They should though, because people get shot too, not just dogs.

    The trouble about police anywhere in the world is that they often act on assumptions rather than facts - i.e. they are neither professional nor intelligent.

    Add in the police's tendency to corruption. The British magazine "The New Statesman" once ran the headline  "Definition of a good police force: It catches more criminals than it employs." True, and sad.

  2. Police?  How about the judge that authorized the search warrant?  Yes, they made a mistake, but look at the facts, they KNEW a package of drugs were being sent to that house by a known drug ring, what they didn't know was that the ring was using fake addresses to smuggle it.

      I guess the fact that this all happened because of a bunch of low life criminals started this whole series of events and that they are to blame for this seems to have slipped your mind.  You just want to find a reason to go after the police.

      As for not instantly releasing the mayor, why should they have?  Just because somebody is a mayor doesn't mean the can't be involved in drugs, (remember Marion Barry?)    

  3. It's always the people that are least capable of doing the job, that are the most critical of them.

  4. In my opinion, the police officers who made this mistake are incompetent.  There is no call for it.  I mean this man was the mayor of a town.  How much time could they have spent researching or surveying their target?  Why was this raid not communicated to the local police departments?  What if the mayor would have come down the stairs, armed and shot some of the police officers before they could identify themselves.  This is just one more example of how government is out of control in this country and all over a "DEADLY" drug like marijuana.  All I can say is that a mistake like this had better never be made in my home.  

  5. Correct translation for those of us with common sense:

    This propaganda statement says nothing of the fact that this was a controlled delivery, and not the first delivery of narcotics that were specifically addressed and delivered to this home.  I, the asker of this question am aware of this, however, like most liberal communists I choose to mislead with giving only the facts that I agree with.  I am the typical police-hating liberal who hates the mere thought of being held responsible for my actions (that is, unless I've been victimized, then I expect those I hate for holding me responsible to do that very thing to others).  I get my food through food stamps and health insurance because I am here illegally, after all....isn't it someone else job to provide for me?  I think I'll go smoke another joint.

  6. No they don't, looks like you just need a reason to hate on the police, what about the criminals aren't they partly responsible?

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