
Do the pollice in your area set good driving examples?

by  |  earlier

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The police in my area don't. They use hand held cell phones, rarely signal a turn, regularly cruise above the speed limits, drive generally distracted. I'm not disgruntled, haven't had a ticket in 15 years. I don't think they're always in an emergency. Are there two sets of traffic laws?




  1. same here.

  2. In my area, it isnt as much as the town police as much as it is the state police.  If the state police deem the conditions safe enough to drive 85 (with no apparent emergency in sight and no flashing lights), then why cant the rest of the drivers on the  highway drive at the same speed?

    I never understood that ....

  3. Cops don't give other cops tickets.

    They can get away with just about anything.

    Wouldn't u, if u could?

  4. Annoyingly enough, yes the police in my area set good examples. They can often be found doing 10km/h over the limit on the highways... and every time they do a traffic jam forms behind them. Nobody dares pass a police car that's already speeding, yet, everybody on the highway typically goes fast than that. So every time there's a police car travelling down the highway, congestion forms behind it. Grrr...

  5. You live in the same town as me?

  6. Yes, our police do.

    You will find that some police will use their cellphones because they are receiving sensitive infromation about a crime that they cannot broadcast over the air. I am a radio enthusiast and many times police will say to contact them on their personal or truck cell phones, because the dont want the information to go over the air. I know this isnt always the case, but it can be sometimes.

    Police always should use a turn signal, and perhaps you should email your mayor, or local police commander with exact instances when you see a patrol car not using its turn signal. Be as exact as possible, like when, where, the vehicle call sign, description of person driving, amount of traffic on the road, etc.

    As far as cruising above the speed limit, its hard to call. Unless you have a radar in your car, you dont know their exact speed. There are many situatuions and regulations regarding police driving, and speeds they can do, when, and where. Sometimes, when they are speeding with no lights and sirens, they have to arrive quickly without making a scene. If there is little traffic, they are permitted to expedite with no lights or sirens, depeding on the situation.

  7. No, they set bad examples.  They are always speeding, running red lights, cutting people off, not using turn signals (and all of this is with no lights or sirens).  They also talk on their cell phones or are on the computer while driving.

  8. NO not where I live and for the most part NO everywhere if you follow the news...........

  9. The best thing to do is watch-out for police cars, even if their flashing lights aren't on.  They are expecting people to watch out for them anyway.  There are plenty of bad drivers on the road, but only police can give you a ticket.

    Also, be considerate of their dangerous job.  If I had to drive around for 8 hours a day, it would drive me insane.

  10. LMAO!!! They run red lights. Don't signal turns. Don't use head lights in bad weather...speed...use emergency lights just to get through a red light....

  11. absolutely not. i've been cut off so many times and almost crashed because of officers who think they rule the road just cuz they're a cop. sometimes THEY don't even use blinkers!!!

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