
Do the pro-lifers who suggest life begins at conception support...?

by  |  earlier

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Do they support drinking age to be 20 years and 3 months, since you're already got 9 months of life inside the mother?




  1. LMAO..

  2. interesting.....

  3. This is very immature and you apparently have not done ANY research.

    Alcohol and abortion have NOTHING in common. And this is entirely ridiculus.

  4. please tell me you are joking.... why don't you do some research.... read about what the baby has inside it's mommy when most babies are aborted... sounds human to me....

  5. No, people like me suggest the drinking age be legal at 21 years and 9 months from conception.

    You really need to get a life of your own if you have time to think up and ask goofy things like this. lol Thanks for the chuckle!

  6. No, that's stupid..

    We want it to be 17  years and 3 months..

    Seriously though, you're stupid.

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