
Do the proponents of global warming have any ideas other than high taxes and turning to socialism?

by Guest61018  |  earlier

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All ideas i have ever seen either put toxic chemicals in our homes, raise prices through taxation, or stifel freedom.

None of these things do anything to help the environment.




  1. You must understand that the taxes and government control over our every day lives are the objective - - "global warming" is just the latest pretext.    Malthus and Ehrlich lost the "we're going to run out of resources" argument to Ricardo and Simon, respectively.    Nobody really bought "for the children."    So they go with "for the planet" and try to blame the weather on the activities they've sought to limit for decades.

    They lie, they exaggerate, they contradict themselves, and they have no conscience about it.

  2. Firstly, toxic chemicals are already in plenty supply in our homes, so on that front its doubtful any action to protect the environment will make that worse.

    Secondly, the increased cost of fossil fuels that will undoubtable occur as we run out of these resources will play its own role in inflation.

    In regards to your point about stiffling freedom, sometimes losing freedom means the best for society, as seen by the ownership of certain types of firearms.

    What about putting more money into public transit services?...that one is safe according to your provided list of do's and don'ts.

    Frankly, a lot of environmentalists have pointed to market based solutions towards dealing with the environment (Such as tax rebates on more fuel efficient vehicles), and not every environmentalist is a gun hating, peace loving, hippy / socialist.

  3. Well to me there are two seperate issues being discussed at the same time--

    1. Where in heck are we going to get the barrel of oil? or "where do we go from here with our energy needs".

    2. People cause GW by emitting CO2

    I would really like to see these discussed separately rather than combined into one posting. Actually some of us believe we must do exactly what the global warming scientists say we should do --- but we have different reasons to do it. (revolving around political-social-and economic issues)

    Just my 2 cents worth--

  4. Nope that about sums it up.

    And could someone please tell me how raising taxes on oil companies will results in lower prices at the pump.

  5. Well, I dunno about anybody else, but I invested in ethanol production and wind energy, then I used a portion of that income to start investing in and researching automotive engineering and design, and am starting to look into off-the-grid solar electric and biomass (particularly algae farming) as other sources of energy and fuel.

    I don't think that is particularly socialistic, although I will be  paying some additional taxes on the extra income.  And so far, I have three high performance V8 powered automobiles as old as 42 years that are discharging far lower emissions than when they were built and delivering average-not highway, average gas mileage in the high 20s with more to come.  Now THAT is FUN, and frankly, I don't think some people are looking at the potential of alternative energy and the potential related benefits to the environment with an open enough mind!

  6. From what I have seen, no. Environmentalism is the new socialism. These people are out of touch with reality, to put it simply.

  7. We may have extremely high taxation in the near future, not because of Green moves, but just to get our debt and deficit under control. Now this may be too conservative. Liberals may insist we at least double our debt before we do anything to pay it down... Or will it be tax and spend Republicans insisting on that.

    Sorry, I can not comment on putting toxic chemicals in your home... I have not heard of any such proposal. (Unless you mean one proposal to replace chlorine with ozone water treatment.)

    I can not tell you that Greens would not increase taxation to pay down the debt. Fiscal responsibility is a Green Party standard. So, I can not see any way to guarantee a continuation of current policy to amass national debt.

    And quite likely some of that debt retirement may come from a Green Carbon tax. Would you prefer to have it on Income? Most likely that will be a big part of it, so you get your way too.

    Raising taxes on companies that extract fossil fuels does nothing to lower prices at the pump. It may not be useful to lower prices at the pump.

    What will be useful is to use those taxes on oil companies to pay down the debt instead of increasing income taxes, particularly income taxes on low income taxpayers.

  8. global warming is a complete scam !!

    nothing more then a group of tree hugging left wing socialist type who will do what ever they can to steal your money !!

    people should be ticked at the government whom collect about 65 cents per gallon of gas in state and federal taxes for doing NOTHING !!!!!

    while the oil companies make about 8 cents a gallon profit for doing everything from finding the oil , to pumping it , turning it in to gas and other products and shipping it to market !

  9. No none - "Global warming" is a political, not scientific issue.

    Only when man is living back in caves will these extremist be happy.

    There is nothing that these extremist propose that actually helps the environment.  Most of their ideas about nature comes from visiting their city park.

  10. There are plenty of good ideas out there to turn this situation around.  Some of them will actually save you money.  You're being closed minded unfortunately, and already have your mind made up as to what you think is the truth.

    Global warming is real.  There is nothing you can say or do to scientifically disprove that.  The only argument is whether or not there is anything we can DO about it.  Is it man made, or is it a natural occurrence?  

    I don't know about you, but I want my children to have children.  I want the world to prosper even after I'm gone.  We take many chances in this life.  We believe many things based on faith alone.  Yet, people are content to let the planet fall into disrepair.  

    In my day I've seen the fear of russians stifle our freedom, the fear of terrorism stifle our freedom, a war in vietnam stifle our freedom.  The truth is that for anything worth having, you'll need to sacrifice.

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