
Do the "Israelis" still have any allies?

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Do the "Israelis" still have any allies?




  1. Of course they do and always will.

  2. yes israel has allies, The United States of America is the main allie of Israel. other nations are Germany, Britain and the Netherlands.

  3. of course israelis do

  4. Well if they didn't some arab would be tearing down the greenhouses as we speak.

    You need to seek help kid, not offer it.  How could you possibly help anyone else?

  5. Israel is gaining more haters than supporters in the world!

    The truth is slowly being revealed and It is just a matter of time when these allies find their pockets empty and invest in something else instead...

  6. The United States, Turkey, Germany, the UK, Netherlands and India are among Israel's closest allies.

  7. The best Ally of all: God

  8. Nothing has changed-they have the USA as the most important Allie.

  9. In general, allies are individuals, groups or nations that have joined together in an association for mutual benefit or to achieve some common or purpose.

    Today Israel has diplomatic relations with most of the countries of the world, 162 countries, however it does not with 34, most of them with Arab or Muslim majorities:

    Most are to be considered allies?

  10. Benny Jinn....big ally there. Cheers!

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