
Do the racehorses know that they're in a race?

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Do they "try" to win? What is their motivation other than being whipped. Do they know if they win they get to just have s*x for the rest of their lives?

Horse racing really confuses me because on the one hand the animals are revered over other almost animals even to the point of them being practically human and considered athletes, but do they really even know what's going on? It seems kind of cruel to me.




  1. No they dont actually know they are in a race it is just a run for them its the jockeys trainers and owners that know the horse is in a race and its their decision (not the horses) whether or not put the blinkers on or not, Also it is no longer allowed to use the whip to the extreme now most jockeys just use the flick of the reins and a flick of their stirrups.

  2. Another braindead question from the PETA discipleship.

    Look, horses have been racing against each other (without drivers or jockeys) for perhaps thousands of years for fun and play. Do you really think they don't dig it?

    Do the world a favor and stop trying to be an advocate of the animal kingdom. You're only making yourself look bad and making me want to go get a burger.

  3. I ensure you: If a horse does not ENJOY running, he will not be in any of the big races. Being fast only makes half of a horse, they also have to have a spirit and will to win.

    Horses know when they're in a race. In fact, they usually know before they actually get to the racetrack, because they're fed a lighter breakfast than usual. And if they win, they are elated, if they lose they are sad, just like any human.

    And no, they don't care if they have s*x for the rest of their lives. Dolphins and humans are the only animals that have s*x for pleasure; for all other animals it's just instinct.

  4. I am responding so I can respond to a response...hehe!

    Yes, I absolutely know they know they are racing!  You can see it in their prancing when they are being led in the Post Parade.

    If you get a chance to watch the race coverage, pay attention particularly to when they lead them out of the stables and onto the grass where they get their jockeys...but especially when they are led from the grass onto the track past the grandstands into the gate.  Their ears are pricked, they are prancing - they are so excited they are going SIDEWAYS!  I asked about this at the Derby and was told that the Escort Horse is holding them so tight to keep them under control and the horse is so excited to get to the gate that they end up swinging their butts around and they are actually facing the crowd and walking sideways!  It's really cute  :-)  Though it looked scary to me, cause their legs are so skinny...but it's awesome!

    And from doing a lot of reading, you can definitely tell from the trainers stories that they know!

    However, KMN - THAT IS THE CUTEST STORY EVER!!!  I love that...Gander is a champ!  I know that he shouldn't have left his jockey...or that's probably how it should be.  But he knew that when that bell went off and his gate flew open, he was gonna get to race all of those other horsies and see who was gonna get their fastest  :-)  

    I believe that their jockeys are there to guide them into the best spots to get to the front and to pace them based on the length of the race and the competition in any specific race.  

    But the horses are there to get to the front of the pack and will do it as fast as they can.  It's their instinct.  And if they weren't enjoying it or didn't want to do it, or didn't have the drive to get to the front - they sure as heck wouldn't be doing it!  A whip may be a tool they use to communicate with the horse but you can't make a 2000 pound powerful animal do anything unless they want to do it!  LOL!!

    That's my feeling anyway, based on what I have seen and read over the years.

  5. they probably don't, but they're probably so down to get the whipping over with that they run faster.

  6. horse aren't stupid, they understand what is happening around them, they now when they get to the start gates they are racing, just as they no they need to eat to stay alive and healthy! if they could communicate they would probably label us humans as the stupid ones! particularly the so called animal activists (extremists) also known as PETA!

    and for the record........ horse racing in Dubai, there is no gambling! and in Dubai they host the worlds richest race day (in prize money) the Dubai world cup! so i guess your gambling argument is flawed, as Dubai stands as one of the most successful racing countries in the world!

    i dare say that the only people that profit from gambling are local and state governments as they collect revenue from betting agencies, for EXAMPLE....... the horse racing industry is the forth biggest industry in Australia, largely thanks to people like me who like to gamble on horse racing,as our government collects revenue from our betting agencies!

  7. I think your wrong in a way

    horse racing would be still around if no betting

    because Its a like a umm my horses is faster then your stype thing

    And yes Most horses do know they are there to run if trained right

    Some younger one's might get a bit confused until they understand

    If a horse keeps getting dirt in his face and runs last all the time its time to regroup w/him

    If he doesnt get his heart jerked out from him all the time

    he will run his best

    I had horses we had to let them win in morning work outs because they did not know that they where suppose to pass the other horse

    some and most love it

    They don't get whipped that hard

    Have you ever seen marks on them ? Not ;;

    A jockey by law has to try his best to win even if he is last he has to show effort all the way

    most never get the whip until the quarter pole anyway

    so no It s not cruel

    If a horse is trained right

  8. To answer your question directly, yes they know they are in a race and are very competitive. They are trying to win.

  9. Yes, they know they're in a race and they want to win.  A horse without that competitive spirit will never make it as a racehorse.  If they don't like it, you can't make them run as hard no matter how much you might whip them.  If you ever watch a herd in a large area, they'll run together and there're always some that HAVE to be in front, that see it all as a race that they must win.  It's in their nature.

    No, they don't know what happens after they're retired to stud!

  10. One racehorse named Gander was running in New York.  When the starting gate opened, he stumbled and his rider fell off.  Gander, nevertheless, held himself up and ran the race himself.  He weaved through the other horses and made the lead on the backstretch.  He led the rest of the race and crossed the line first.  He then galloped out another eighth before walking over to the outrider and trying to lead that horse to the winners circle because Gander thought he won and thought he was supposed to go to the circle and get his picture taken.

    They absolutely understand the game.  They want to win just like you want to win.

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