
Do the regulars on the Scottish section really care?

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ffs just do it.

this question will be deleted at 12 noon.




  1. Yes i believe people do really care,but there's just so many times that some people can write what they feel.Myself for instance,i find it hard to write my feelings down for something sad or horrible.So that's why i star.

    And others might have some difficult problems going on in their own lives,not that i don't feel for anyone else.

  2. The whole 'i know who they are and you dont' thing makes it hard for people to understand..............whoever it is your talking about rico i hope they are alright, i might come across sometimes as a heartless bstrd but im only at the wind up,  chin up stranger and hope your back in time for the game and the banter on sunday.

  3. keep yer head up ,do not know who this person is but ,its easier to fight with an army behind you. we are here. good luck.

  4. Get well soon,and as the old song says,always look on the bright side of life

  5. I see someone has given a thumbs down to every one who has conveyed their best wishes.

    Anne Marie has been given 2 thumbs down for best wishes xx.

    Get well soon friend.

  6. no i dont

  7. dont delete the question Rico,

    it gives even those on here who arent ill or finding it hard, faith in our fellow scots and scottish section users.

    the Question means so much more than the great jesture that you intended.

    well done mate

  8. have already replied Rico...

    like I said..there are people who need support but as we dont mention names they dont know how close these people are and that they are among us..I know of one other as well as the one you are writing about

    as long as the people that matter send their best then all is ok by me :-)

  9. One night a man had a dream. He dreamed he was walking along the beach with the LORD. Across the sky flashed scenes from his life. He noticed two sets of footprints in the sand. When the last scene of his life flashed before him he noticed that many times there was only one set of footprints. He also noticed that it was at the very lowest times in his life. He questioned the LORD about it. "LORD, you said that once I decided to follow you you'd walk with me all the way. But I have noticed there is only one set of footprints. I don't understand why when I needed you most you would leave me." The LORD replied, "My precious child, I love you and would never leave you. During your times of trial and suffering, when you see only one set of footprints, it was then that I carried you.

  10. sorry rico you've lost me....alredy been thinking about the person you mentioned and wished them a speedy everything ok

    jeez some people are very childish..

  11. dont know who it is and dont care, they are a regular on here then say no more.  you were all here for me when i hit a low and helped me bounce back.  it meant a lot.

    hopefully my words mean a bit too and i can return the favour.

    (when i say i dont care, i mean i dont care who it is, they are a regular and they are one of us and get my support without question)

  12. I care a lot about the good people on here Rico and they know who they are, I sincerely hope that whoever you are on about, is up and around soon mate. I will pray for a full recovery for our friend. God knows he deserves a wee break!!!!

  13. hello friend. Please believe me when i say that i know what tough times are. You can survive them with support from friends and loved ones. you are very much in my thoughts and prayers. peace to you and yours.

  14. already answered and hopefully the person in question will realise that we care for them and they are in our thoughts.

    get well soon mate

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