
Do the republicans feed off our fears to win?

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  1. Finally glad you liberals admitted you are afraid.  Cowering to the enemies is not the answer though.

  2. It worked in the last election. Not so sure these days.

  3. Yes, they do.

    They have been doing it for years and years because it keeps on working.




    g*y Marriages/g*y Rights


    Well guess what Republicans?  We've had enough of your fear tactics.  

    Eight is enough.

  4. No.

    It is Democrats who keep saying if you don't vote for Obama then bad things will happen.

    Obama doesn't talk about how Democrats created high gas prices, the mortgage mess, the trillions of dollars in ever  expanding  social programs that are driving  up the national debt, the increase in poverty they are creating, the increase in crime,  etc..

  5. haha...... no. :)

    not anymore than democrats do. :)



  6. They have for the past 8 years. What's that saying going on now? "More of the same?" Their playing of the 9-11 tape is evident that this is true.

  7. Definitely, they say the surge worked but yet yahoo just reported that the troops have been warned not to pull out. I can't stand it.

  8. Are you asking that just because every speaker tonight mentions how if Obama is elected we'll lose the war on terror?

    Then yes, yes I do think they love to scare Americans.

  9. No they don't feed off of fears to win. You ever see the football player who takes off his helmet, grits his teeth and bangs his head against the locker?  The boxer who punches himself after his opponent gave him his best shot?  Maybe you have heard Rush Limbaugh not even try to spin the facts, he is just outraged and can barely pronounce the foul without spitting every word out. How about the amnesia and double talk on experienced leadership, a version of the Jedi mind trick? This is what Republicans feed off of, they psyche themselves up, cut their arm and bleed, blame liberals, hit their head and grow a lump, blame the Democrats, trip and fall after they have just been told to be careful, then talk about experience and rugged individualism.  The economy is in the tank, we have two wars, Iraq, Afghanistan and then two proxy wars with Iran and Russia. Then choose a woman Governor from Wassila, Alaska discuss how it is near Russia and scream to the top of their collective voices at the Republican Convention. She becomes the next best thing since the Virgin Mary.

  10. Democrats say we have nothing to fear but fear itself.

    Republicans have nothing to offer but fear itself.

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