
Do the republicans need the minority votes to win?

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or is it a non issue for them as their convention seems to be all white? or?




  1. According to Karl Rove the Republican nominee must attract 40-45% of the Latino vote to win the election.  The Latino vote has swung Democrat by as much as 65% because of the Republican's position on immigration.  John McCain's position was particularly offensive. The GOP may have abandoned the stated numerical goal for the Latin vote. It appears the GOP may have a better chance of getting the white female vote.  The jury is still out if white women are insulted by Palin or obliged. The assumption to be tested in the next 60 days is that because Palin is a woman, women will vote for a woman even if they disagree with her politics.  This is the same rhetoric that partisans assume is the reason, blacks vote for Obama.  

    The next best chance for the Republican electorate is to have a controversial election day combined with a foreign policy crisis in the background; much like the 2000 election.  Apparently, Republicans can not win on the issues, so they have to make the VP the issue.  This is separate from presumptive nominee McCain. I like McCain the only problem is that he is more decent than his party.  

  2. They need the independent votes to win.

  3. it's a non-issue. We have won before without much minority support.  

  4. First, the Democrats re-invented themselves as the "Civil Rights" party in the 1960s...Since then, how many Presidents have they had?

    Second, the "no minorities at the convention" card has been a popular one to play today....but besides the fact that minorities ARE there (or aren't women, asians and hispanics considered "minorities" anymore?) I had this thought:

    These are "delegates" other words, people who were nominated to represent their parties back home...are you implying, then, that only blacks can represent blacks?   only asians can represent asians?  only women can represent women?

    Is is so far beyond your realm of imagination that a person of ANY race can represent other races equally?

    Forgive me, but that way of thinking doesn't really fit the "progressive" label you all so proudly wear...

  5. Define Minority?

  6. no, the african american vote usually goes to the Democrats because of their stance on affirmitave action and their stance on welfare.  It's just the truth.   They don't usually have the african american vote and they don't really need the minority vote.   What they do need is the independent vote.

  7. They need AMERICANS to vote for them. Color or descent doesn't matter.  

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