
Do the ruling elite consider most of us the "unwashed masses?"?

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I am sure they feel born to the good life due "breeding." What happened to the humanity of America. I seems to be barely able to give a last gasp. How did it come to this.

The thrill is gone. There are economic depressions and then there is just a pervasion feeling that grips a people, according to some books that I have read. Humanity and compassion are scorned by the ruling elite. They offer some government cheese and toss in a portion of the taxes and feel righteous. And, by god, we elect them to rule us!




  1. Nope

  2. I wonder if people will ever wake -up and see whats going on. If these rich sobs could make it with out our taxe dollars they would kill us all.

  3. Because MOST of us are nothing more than "lemmings" following the 'Pied Piper"..

  4. History shows several examples of ruling elite who financialy and physically rape people to death, nothing new, and it will continue unless some miracle happens and everyone grows a d**n brain in their hollow heads.

  5. "Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely."

    "I will rise up from the scum of the earth, only to rule over it."

    To be a high-level elected official, you need to already have a lot of money (one definition of success), an impressive education (another definition of success) and contacts/influence (a third definition).

    To someone who possesses all three of those characteristics and who is surrounded almost exclusively by others who share those things, the rest of us probably do look like the great unwashed masses, even if we're outstanding members of our communities and/or very good at our professions.

  6. I don't think the ruling elite consider anyone or anything except themselves,their status, their income and their comfort.

    If we don't vote we can't complain.....

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