
Do the same people who wish Jade all the best, also wish other cancer sufferers the best?

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or do we only bring it up when a celebrity (as Z List as Jade Goody is) is affected.

I for one am not going to show my hypocrisy by wishing Jade all the best, while I say nothing about poor Johnny Smith in Ward 3A of Great Ormond Street sits there unnoticed by the world.

Im not saying I dont wish Jade well, Im just saying she doesnt deserve anymore sympathy than anyone else. So why do people go out of their way to give her a special mention, yet think nothing of the 'average' person who is battling through this?




  1. I had cancer. Had chemo and radiotherapy. I sympathise with anyone who has to go through it famous or not. When I had mine I was lucky to NOT be famous and have it splashed in all the papers. When you have cancer it is YOUR cancer and no-one else's and as such you should be left to deal with it in your own way. I resented people asking me all the time how I was. I know they meant well but sympathy was the last thing I needed. I had my battle to deal with without media coverage so to answer you, yes I am sympathetic to her and everyone who is fighting it, and a fight it is.  

  2. No matter who they are and what they have done, no one deserves to die from cancer.

  3. totally agree - we all have been afftected by cancer is someway!

  4. Of course I wish all people suffering from whatever illness well and that includes Jade, watching someone die from cancer is not a pretty sight I watched my father in law die very slowly and in incredible pain for three years, cancer is indeed a horrible illness.

  5. What kind of stupid question is this? Go ahead, give me thumbs down. This is a stupid question!

  6. jade has two small children of course i would like her to get better i have always been a fan of hers and feel she has been treated very badly by the press

    i am not saying she deserves more sympathy than anybody else but as a young woman with small children why would she not deserve my sympathy

  7. I totally agree with you, she should get on with her treatment in peace and quiet but i think she will use this as a way to gain sympathy with the public.

    My daughter and many many women before her have been through this same thing and have battled through un noticed and had to wait for treatment on the NHS too.

  8. So Jade Goody has cancer? So do thousands of other people. I'm sure as soon as she was told she called a national newspaper. Why not? It's a way for her to get back in to the hearts of the British public and to pull her back up through the rankings from a Z lister to at least a K lister. It would have to be something amazing to get her back in to the B, C or D list. It's a pity these national newspapers don't run stories on everyone else in the country who is also suffering from cancer. The nobodies that sit in hospitals up and down the country or at home suffering in silence and dying as they don't have the money for private treatment or they can't get treatment on the NHS as it classed as too expensive

  9. I'd wish Johnny Smith in Ward 3A more well wishes than that racist bigot anyway.

    And I don't particularly believe her either - what kind of person announces it in the diary room live on TV? Why go into the BB House in the first place?

    Bet she showed no signs of being 'upset' before...

  10. you bet ye, at least I do.

  11. You are right.  Why has she publicised this? an illness is a private thing not something the be put in the public arena

  12. I wish J. Goody the exact same luck as I would wish anyone else that has this disease. To me she is a woman with 2 kids that has been given a really severe shock and a reality check on her life (as all cancer suffers have)

    I watched my brother in law suffer for 3 years, and finally pass away from cancer, I do not wish that terrible death or suffering on anyone, even someone I hate.

  13. Because we don't know Johnny Smith in Ward 3A - otherwise I'm sure we would.

    Jade Goody is a "celebrity" - and we can connect with her (even if we don't approve of her).

    As someone who knew of 9 people in one year, dying, mostly of cancer, I feel for anyone who has this dreadful disease.  And I hope she makes it, as I do every other person (including the stranger who confided in me a few weeks ago that she was terrified out of her mind after being diagnosed - all I could do was weep with her).

  14. There are much more deserving people who are suffering from cancer - Sir Bobby Robson for example - who deserve my best wishes at this moment in time.

    I can remember reading somewhere that all forms of this disease end up killing one in three of us all in the western world. Surely we should be thinking more of a cure?

  15. I am sure that your"Johnny Smith" has lots of caring friends and relatives. Nobody not even poor Jade or Johnny deserved to have this nasty disease. They all need our sympathy and not spitefull remarks as shown by some on here.

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