
Do the same reasons the media are implying Gov. Palin is not experienced enough also apply to Barry Obama?

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Do the same reasons the media are implying Gov. Palin is not experienced enough also apply to Barry Obama?




  1. I think some people in the media are not happy with Palin because her `lack of experience' is like a two edge sword.  

  2. They should..  if  not having "enough" experience to be Vice President is a problem then not having ANY experience and running for President should be a bigger problem...

  3. Yesterday I posted some footage of Bill Clinton making fun of BO's lack of experience.

    But NOW ALL OF A SUDDEN, he's the man for the Job!!!

    Even Biden poked fun of BO's inexperience, saying: "the Presidency doesn't lend itself to 'on the job' training".

    Funny how quick they turn the tables!!

  4. My thought is that voters got to weigh this when they chose Obama.  While when choosing McCain, you also had to put faith in him to appoint this person, but that is not as strong as voting for someone specifically.

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