
Do the scientists have any specific reason for the natural disasters on 21st december,2012?

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Do the scientists have any specific reason for the natural disasters on 21st december,2012?




  1. This is just another urband legend.  Nothing will happen then and if it does,  it will be a random thing and nothing to do with a certain date.

  2. WHAT? you say that as if already happened. rephrase it in another format

  3. idk. perhaps the end times as I've been hearing but I dont believe this. Do you think gw is gonna occur in just 4 yrs?

  4. Not yet but I believe something will happen.

  5. what natural disasters are you referring to?

  6. Scientist don't predict future based on dates.

    21st December 2012 is nothing but last date on Mayan calender, which means nothing but Mayans were really stupid that they couldn't figure out anything beyond that date.

    No matter what people believe about old civilizations but fact remains that they were really primitive, but advance for their time.

    As for natural disaster even if scientist know that certain volcano is going to explode they are never sure about any date for the event. They could just tell you its going to explode based on pressure thats building up and expansion of mountain size.

    So nothing is going to happen on 21st December 2012, there are few people who like to spread rumors just so they'll get some short lived attention, these are same people who walk naked on street to get people to look at them, they are frankly losers.

    If you believe in God, then God is the only person/thing/etc. that knows the future and when earth will have its last day, not some dumb Mayan Jungle living, man killing idiots who couldn't count beyond 21st December 2012.

  7. I know exactly what you are referring to.  I saw a video here recently about 2012 being the end of the world but i don't know.  Scientists are using statistics from the past to base their opinion on this.  Everyone thought New years day in 2000 there would be a blackout but it never happened.  It has a lot to do with astronomy too.  I don't know all the basics that are in this but it's all about statistics.

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