
Do the sites where they give u something for free if u complete a offer actually work or is it a waste of time

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and money




  1. The amount of stuff you have to do and then get other people to do is endless, you`ll be lucky to even receive anything at all.

    If somethings too good to be true, normally it is.

    You dont get nothing free in this world.


  2. Yes, you definitely get something free: LOTS OF SPAM MAIL!

  3. Scams the lot of them, do not even think about it, the companies that you are encouraged to sign up for make a lot more money from selling on your personal details than you will ever make money from them.  Unfortunately when you post this type of question you always attract a lot of answers saying that their scheme is honest, legitimate and different, please do not be taken in by them, many scams operate by simply trying to get participants to recruit new members, and some people attempt to use YA for this.

  4. Waste of time! You don't get something for nothing or completing a questionnaire about yourself! All your doing is giving your email address to hundreds of different companies who'll spend hundreds of hours sending you 'Spam'!

  5. I've written a site with some online money making and online jobs ideas that you can read...This sites have been proven by me! Some of them have paid me, there are my payment proofs, I update the site every time I get new pay so anyone knows is legit. The work from home jobs and online money making sites that aren't scams actually require work on your part - and if you're in need of money soon then you're likely to be sorely disappointed in any of those as well. Most of the legit opportunities out there take time to build and real effort- so if someone makes an outrageous claim of income it probably isn't true (and those that are true sure didn't make that kind of money when they first began and don’t offer any payment proofs on their sites). Please don’t miss rate me as a scam if you haven’t taken a look at my site, people here can be so mean sometimes,  if this doesn’t help you please ignore it and that’s it, I’m just trying to help. Hope any of those can help you out, good luck...

  6. They do actually (well some) give you free stuff but you always have to signup to somthing and they are not free ie credit cards loans etc etc.  So really you spending money to get somthing free xD.  Not worth it.

  7. In my experience, its a total waste of time.

    Apparently they DO WORK!! But they ask you to do so much stuff.

    Basically, they say that to get your free item you need to

    1) Complete x amount of offers

    2) Refer x amount of friends

    You only actually get your item if ALL of your friends complete the offers and refer other friends. This is hardly going to happen!!

  8. Most of them (about 99%) are scams and sheer wastage of time. It is a universal truth that nothing comes free. But there are very few sites like (it was operative a few months back, but is now suspended for unknown reasons),, etc. which actually lets you earn something for free (you just need to try your luck and play some free contests) and in fact, I really earned something over and that was sent to my PayPal account too. Hope you get some more.

  9. It's a complete waste of time. The only people who make money are the ones who run the sites -- and they make their money by selling your e-mail address to companies like their own, who want to know addresses of suckers who will fall for scams like theirs.

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