
Do the spells in this website work?

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  1. I only use spells online if I need help in research but the best spells you do are he ones you write yourself brcause you are puttings somethign into it, your taking the time and doing it.

  2. I have never used those spells or have looked at the website, if they are free - they are probably not proven to work.  I would think that if you purchase one - it would have worked before thats why they are able to sell the kits.  There are some that I have used and they were given to me by a friend - her mother did stuff like that for a living - a good one I might add.  They worked like a charm.   It does take alot of visualization and positive attitude

  3. Spells are not like recipes where you stir these herbs into a cauldron and say a few words and *poof*-- instant gratification.

    Spells work because you know what you're doing, why you're doing it (in other words, you've educated yourself) and with mental discipline gained through meditation and practice. Once you have taken up studies and meditation, you won't need other people's spells, you'll create your own.

    Those spells would likely not work for anyone who didn't put in the study and effort... and they would likely work for anyone who did.

  4. if you want to write a spell and you are stumped what i do is look online for a similar spell and "make it my own" so to speak.....change it and make them your words instead of theirs :) spells are more powerful when you write them yourself, and when you are at a new age shop never steal an item that you need, the owner will more than likely know, stealing is illegal and the item looses its power :) just a letting you know :D

  5. I've never tried those spells. The best spells are the ones you make from your heart. Make your own spells, they are more effective than using someone else's spells / energy. ..

  6. If you want a spell that works I suggest you write one yourself.

  7. you have more chance of catching genital warts from swimming with nessie

  8. Don't do it. It's evil under the eyes of God, also known as Yahweh.

  9. At a guess, probably not.  The laws of the universe probably aren't in your favour on this one.

  10. Most of these spells probably worked for the person that made them but they may not work for you. YOU must make your own spells it gives it the power to actually work. But there are rules in making spells, guide lines that must not be crossed like going against a person's free will or with a bad motive.

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