
Do the stupid and the ugly have easier?

by  |  earlier

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as suggested in the picture of dorian gray




  1. Nope they have to work harder at proving they are what they are so people will treat them better!

  2. See this sheet over my head?  Do you think that makes my life easy somehow?

  3. I don't know, you tell me. You should know, you posted this stupid question.

  4. Nope...

    Just the opposite...  Pretty and smart... have it made.

  5. No.. i dont see how.

  6. I guess

  7. I don't think calling people "ugly" is fair, but that's not the point. I do, however, think that the stupid have it easier. There's this girl I know that doesn't care about her grades, is completely cynical, and has no desire to improve herself. She doesn't have to work hard to get good grades, she lives in her own little world of truth, and she's completely fine with staying ignorant and annoying. If they don't care about their future, of course they'll have it easier. They won't need to stress out about doing things to better themselves as people and in society. But in the end, their lives will get really tough. In other words, as a child growing up, being stupid is easier. But being stupid will ultimately wreak havoc on their lives financially and socially in the future.

  8. yes and no

    the smart and pretty have it easier in lerning and friend making

    the stupid and ugly have it easier in being independent and pierpressure (if no one wants to be around you how can there be pierpressure?)

  9. ask your parents

  10. have easier what?  your question doesn't make sense.  did you mean to say do the stupid and the ugly have it easier?

  11. Well, do you have it easier?

  12. Stupid people have it easyer because they're too

    stupid to feel pain, so their happy because they're


    Ugly people have it harder because they're too

    uggly to feel love, so they're unloved because they're


    ~Child of Ra

  13. I don't know I guess we could ask Jessica Simpson, but since she's famous and incredibly rich, Oh! Wait,  I guess I just proved my point, Yes, I guess they do... lol

  14. You need some more information on this.

    But i think i know what you mean.

    Ugly and stupid have an easier life?

    I would say kind of.

    Ugly have it easier because they don't get hit on every where they go. Also, they don't have an image to uphold so they don't have as much to worry about. But, they always get made fun of and criticized.

    In my opinion, i would say stupid have it harder.  In school, they get in trouble. They make bad decisions.

    Hope I helped!

  15. yes, but only because the smart and pretty makes it harder and complicated for them self.

  16. no. they get teased for it. if your stupid, you have to deal with your parents yelling at you for bad grades and wen your ugly you dont get dates period.

  17. I'm stupid and ugly, and life is pretty tough for me.

  18. HYES WE DO!

  19. in schools yes

  20. I that a serious question?

    I was an ugly duckling, or rather, a HIDEOUS duckling. Who turned into a hot swan (Woot for me!)

    But being both i cant deny that depending on if most people find you attractive is gonna change your life.

    When i was ugly i was depressed that i wouldnt find anyone and that people didnt think i was interesting cos i was ugly.

    now im depressed cos i dont know who likes me for me and who likes me cos im 'hot' or 'cool', i hate the things people expect me to be cos f the way i look now.

  21. They have an easier time repelling people, yes.

  22. ask your mommy

  23. ya i guess

  24. I'm not stupid so I wouldn't know.  Ugly is an opinion.  Someone who is ugly to you may not be ugly to someone else.  So this question is really "stupid"  So you can answer your own question.

  25. This is the  mythology and folklore section.

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