
Do the umpires throw out players and coaches too easily?

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Why do you think and how can the League stop gets kind of annoying...I was watching this game maybe a week back and Lou Pinella came out because he disagreed a strike call when he thought it should have been a ball...anyway the first base umpire immediately told him to go back and he did and as he was on his way back the home plate umpire threw him out...Pinella didn't even know it till the umpire had said it for the second time...I don't know but that seems kind of unfair to me cause he agreed to go back without arguing and he gets thrown out...that's complete Bullsh*t!




  1. I'd have to look at the incidents on case-by-case basis.  Often they do, but I've seen sometimes where they don't do it soon enough and a brawl ensues.  So depends on the situation for me.

  2. Depends on the umpire. Some umpires will let people get away with a lot, but some are known for having an extremely short fuse. One example is Angel Hernandez. If the manager so much as yells at him from the dugout he will throw them out...sometimes if a player so much as shows disappointment in a call. I hate umps like that. My favorite team is the Atlanta Braves, and we have the manager who has been thrown out more than anybody else in baseball history (Go Bobby!). I have definitely seen both extremes in all of his ejections. Sometimes he will go out there and yell for a good 15 - 20 seconds before the umpire tosses him, then there are douchebags like Angel Hernandez or Chris Guccione who will throw you out immediately.

    The worst instances I've seen in the last few years are:

    1. Chris Guccione a couple weeks ago. Buddy Carlyle (Braves pitcher) threw a strike, and he knew it. The call didn't go his way, so he merely turned around quickly so as to not say anything to the umpire. The umpire started storming up to the mound. Bobby Cox came out about a step onto the field and he was thrown out. Thankfully, Bobby gave it to him for a good 5 minutes. It's plays like that where I wish the umpire association would suspend the umps. It was ridiculous.

    2. Angel Hernandez last year threw Bobby out because Tim Hudson threw his hands up in the air after a blown call. Hernandez started charging the mound and so Bobby came out to defend his player. Before he even left the dugout he was thrown out. The stadium erupted into a "Bobby!" chant.

    3. Worst one I've ever seen. Doug Eddings a few years back threw out Braves catcher Johnny Estrada (who was always known as such a mild-mannered person) out of nowhere. Eddings and Estrada were in position to receive the pitch when Estrada all of a sudden turns around, and Eddings immediately throws him out. Estrada started screaming at him. Later on, in an interview, Estrada claimed that Eddings was saying bad things about his teammates. Bobby Cox comes out to argue, and he was thrown out as soon as he took a step onto the field. While Bobby was screaming, hitting coach Terry Pendleton came out to pull Estrada off the field. He was thrown out, so he started arguing. When all of them were leaving the dugout, Eddings was staring them down in the dugout. Mike Hampton (who was on the disabled list at the time) was standing in the dugout and met his line of vision. Hampton motioned for him to turn around and said "Turn around." Eddings then tossed him. Bobby requested (but did not receive) a grant that Eddings would never umpire an Atlanta Braves game again.

    There are some umpires who abuse their power and Major League Baseball is supposed to punish them in scenarios like this, but most of the time they don't. It is complete nonsense that they can get away with the scenario you mentioned or any of the scenarios I mentioned. Something should be done, but it won't be.

  3. yeah its getting annoying. way too sensitive

  4. Haven't you seen the commercial with Sweet Lou and the Umpire yet? Seriously though,as a former catcher,I can tell you that theres alot of times that the Umps hear things said that we watching TV don't know about.Not defending them or nothing,just a fact.

  5. Yes, Casey Blake was tossed from a game for saying BS about a check swing while he was already in the Dodger dugout. If Greg Gibson was a professional he would have turned around and not looked into the dugout waiting to see his reaction.  

  6. Of course. One simple spit in the face and there outta' there. Whats up with that?

  7. Well, he should learn that the umpire will not change the call no matter WHAT he goes at ranting. Even if it is unfair, he should stay in the dugout because nothing he can say will make it a strike.

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