
Do the wheels on trains go on the inside of the track beams, on top or outside?

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amtrak trains and freight trains




  1. Take a real good look at this picture.  The wheel  is ON the track, and see that little flange  on the wheel inside the tracks??? That's what keeps the wheel from rolling off the track.

  2. you only have to look, yourself......

  3. the largest part of the wheel is on the inside for guidance. the flat part of the wheeel runs on top. and thier is a small lip on the wheel that rides on the outside.

  4. They go on top and inside, to keep them on the track.

  5. on the top and the flange of the wheel goes inside the rail.

  6. on top . 3/4 inch bevel on inner an outer edge of rim keep wheel centered on track.

  7. Indeed, railroad wheels, two per axle (and two axles per truck, typically), are set up with a flange, which rides to the inside of the rail and acts as a guide to keep the freight/passenger car on the tracks (the wheel itself simply rides on top of the rail).  Flanges are also the reason why engineers do not steer a locomotive (as you typically would a rubber-wheeled vehicle) as they (the flanges) guide the locomotive down the track.

  8. Here's a great graphic of how they work.

    Mostly they ride on top and self-center, and the inside flange gets used on tight curves.

  9. the wheels sit ontop of the rail, but there is a lip called the "flange" that goes on the inside of the rail to help the wheels stay on top of the rail

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