
Do therapists ever divulge information without your consent?

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I had a conversation talking about how a medical doctor had treated me that upset me. Something was said to me by the medical doctor and I am almost sure the therapist had talked to him. (I think he was actually giving me hints). Are therapists allowed to do this if you have not signed a consent form?




  1. accuse him of lying.

  2. If you are a danger to yourself or another person than what you say to your doctor can be divulged.

  3. I don't think the therapist was supposed to talk to your MD without your consent. It sounds fishy and I would ask the therapist if she/he did this.

  4. Therapists (supposing they are licensed) are supposed to keep all information confidential unless you are going to harm yourself or others.  They also have to report child abuse.

    However, they would have to comply with a court order to release records.  They also sometimes stipulate that they might share information in consultations with other professionals.  However, your scenario, if true, would be completely inappropriate (and grounds for sanction or by the state or revocation of professional license).

    I would bring this up with your therapist.  Confidentiality is considered very serious in this profession. Remember, while people tell very serious and personal things to therapists, they are professionals.  They are trained, and expect to have, these discussions.  You don't need to be threatened about doing this.  Otherwise, you will have trust issues with your therapist and it will affect your treatment with them.   If your therapist acts like it isn't a big deal or won't address it with you respectfully and professionaly, or takes it personally, I would get a new therapist.  I might also consider reporting it to licensure board for your state if a breach of confidentiality is apparent.

  5. If you are talking about a psychotherapist or couselor, then never except in the case where you may be considering self harming or harming someone else.  If they do then they are breaking confidentiality which is ethically unsound.  

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