
Do these QBs have the starting job and if so, which ones should I take for my fantasy league?

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Matt Leinart, Matt Ryan, Chad Pennington.

10 points. Please help!!!




  1. kurt warner is starting over leinart

    matt ryan is starting in atlanta

    and pennington is starting in miami

    you need to focus on another qb to draft if you are drafting high but if i had to pick i would pick pennington bc hes got a decent running game and decent recievers

  2. pennington is a starter in miami

  3. Take Matt Ryan.  Pennington has a rubber arm and Leinart isn't even starting in Arizona.

  4. Matt Leinart has been named the back up QB.

    Matt Ryan is the started but i dont see him being a reliable source with him being a rookie and all.

    Chad Pennington is the starter but his WR corps needs to develop for him to have a good season.

    Matt Shuab is the starter and is the best of them all, if he stays healthy, and if Andre Johnson stays healthy. But Schuab is my pick

  5. If Matt Schuab is available, I'd snag him if you need a QB. as of right now Ryan & Pennington are the only other one to have a starting gig & until that O line proves it can protect, I would have a Dolphin QB on my fantasy team even if his name was Brady or Manning

  6. Schaub has the highest ceiling of potential of the ones being discussed.

    He's a definant sleeper,that could surprise alot of people this year.(And yes,he is a starter!)

    ~G{}{}d Luck!~

  7. Of the 3 I would pick Chad Pennington

  8. leinart is a starter but kurt warner may replace him down the road ryan is a starter but a rookie pennington dont start and schaub starts go with schaub

  9. you never draft a rookie QB cause they never work.  leinart lost his job. that makes pennington the default QB.  if you can get schaub though you take him.  he is the starter with no one to challenge him on the better team

  10. Pennington he starts and seems to like miami better

  11. i say pick pennnington

  12. i would go with either matt ryan or chad because The dolphins don't have a good run game so they have to pass and they don't have any receivers and chad is the smartest with the ball.


  14. Ryan is the starter in Atlanta and Pennington is the man in Miami.

    Schaub is a decent QB, but I wouldn't consider him a #1 fantasy QB

    Leinart is currently the backup QB in Arizona

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