
Do these guys like me... or what?

by  |  earlier

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Im a freshman and in my theatre arts class..there are these two guys.

I think they like me...I am not exactly sure.

This guy david occasionally looks at me, and when i look at him he looks away...

and he is very talkative, but he never TRIES to talk to me

and there is this girl amber that he talks to alot on facebook..

so im not sure about this guy?

does he like me?

next is this guy john...that occasionaly looks at me too, but when i look at him.. he still kinda looks at me...then i look away

and he is the same.. he has some girls that are friends in his class, but he is like KINDA shy around me and stuff...

and one day i was sitting at lunch with my friend laura.. and he said hi to her.. and not me!!

it was weird..


so whats going on..

do these guys like me?

if they do.. they sure have a funny way of showing it..

(also, im not like the kind of girl that flirts with guys, and touchy, and annoying) like most girls...(no offense)

and should i talk to them.. if yes..what do i say?

im sorry if its alot, but it will mean alot if you anwser!!

--thanks =)




  1. You are right where you should be....taking theatre. You are a natural.

  2. Well, its hard to say, but i would say yes. I would talk to them - just say hi, make small talk ..... sports team, new movie,ect. Just be friendly, you dont need to be flirty and touchy. If the guys dont meet your eyes all the time and seem nervous dont worry - they like you and are flattered by the attention .Oh.... kudus for not being the clingy type - lots of girls should watch you and take notes!!

    Good luck!!

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