
Do these look postive? **opks**?

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Today I am on CD20! These test were taking CD18 & CD19. I didn't think that they were positive but today I took one & there is barley a second line.

What do ya'll think?




  1. okay Ive never seen these kind of OPK before but I know that the test line has to be AS dark as the control line. So to me, I would say no sadly. They just look lighter than the control line... I am sorry honey... Unless you have a diff. picture of one that you think is NOT + than I cant really help you other than to say I think its no... Sorry.. Best of luck though....

  2. This happened to me too, in fact your strips look just like mine did.  I learned that we probably caught the LH surge as it began and then on the next day as it ended.  LH surge can last for 36 hours so sometimes OPK's get the very beginning or the very end and not the "main surge".  So you probably ovulated, but because you surged at night the OPK wasn't positive.  One suggestion, which I now use, is to test twice a day.  I test at noon and 8 pm.  This will help you catch the surge.  Amazon has test strips in bulk at a cheap price to help with the cost.  I found that testing twice solved this issue.

  3. i recommend running out and getting a digital opk.  i kept missing my surge with those darn comparison it, or isnt? get peace of mind.

  4. those are definitely positive.

  5. wow, i'm using the exact same tests and have the same questions. lol If you find the answer before I do then email me and tell me, if I find it before you I will email you. I know "technically" the line is supposed to be as dark as the first line but, I don't know if it really is that might detect the line going darker for a few days and but never as dark as the first line and end up MISSING when you ovulated. So I wouldn't take a chance.

  6. the one in the middle has one edge of the line that is just as dark as the contol line and I've heard that means a positive.  If there is barely a second line now I would say you probably just ovulated in the last 24 hours!

    ADD::  I have also used those type of test strips and on the day I thought I should have got a +, I used a clearblue digital strip as well which gave me the + smiley face, but the strips like the one you use were only about half the color of the control line so who knows!!!

    Lol @hokeygurl, that's exactly my scenario this month, I'm charting and didn't use an opk until the day prior to my expected ovulation and got my yeah I only used one strip this month too!

  7. Jusy my own advice and opinion...I used that type of ORK (Answer brand, right?) and they were HORRIBLE! I used them for a few months and continuously got the same line...over and over! I went to Clearblue ovulation kits. They are SO much better! I realize they on;y give you 7 in a box, but if you chart yourself for one month and really pay attention, you will get it! I only had to use one stick this month and the one I used, it came out positive! Next month try that type

  8. Congrats honey, defiantly 3 positives :)

  9. They don't look positive to me. You may have missed it, the color can change day by day, the color does not necessarily get darker or lighter after you have ovulated. I was confused until finally on my 3rd package of tests I got to see a positive, I really don't think OPK's are worth it.

    Check out if you'd like to see samples of different tests.

  10. Congrats mommy!

  11. Yup positive! Even just a faint line is a positive! Congratulations!!

  12. I would say positive

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