
Do these names sound good for sisters??

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Do these names sound good for two sisters?

Riley Jade

Sydney Claire

Do they go together to you? Thanks for any opinions!




  1. like it. are they twins or just sisters??

  2. Yea, they're cute together.  Sydney Claire is REALLY cute.  I like the name Riley too.

  3. I think they go well together.  They are also very pretty names.

  4. Yes! I love them. Really original and pretty. They sound great together.

  5. Definitely! I love Riley Jade, that sounds so outgoing.

  6. YES! they are so cute together :)

  7. Congrats Luve them both!!!

  8. Yes! And they are both cute, good job!

  9. I like those names i would use them

  10. YES!

    I LOVE THEM. I think it's nice to have names that sound similar, but not too much. Like I'm Claire and my sister is Caroline and I think that works and so does Riley and Sydney.


  11. Awww I absolutely LOVE those names!!! Yes, they go GREAT together ^^ Congrats.

  12. actually they don't sound good.. they sound GREAT as names for sisters.. i like it a lot.. ^_^

  13. they sound really nice together.

  14. Heck yeah they do! Very cute!

  15. yeah

  16. YES!! they're perfect.....I always told myself that if I had a daughter I'd name her Riley Marie......but Riley Jade....thats too cute...and Sydney Claire is adorable....perfect names for sisters

  17. SO PERFECT TOGETHER! That's absolutely amazing, they're great names alone but together they're wonderful. I hope I don't sound too silly saying all this, haha! Oh well, they're beautiful, best of luck :)

  18. I love the name Riley

    Im not so crazy about Sydney though

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