
Do these s*x dreams have a meaning?

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I for one love dreaming about stuff, specially nightmares.

I only dream when I have a deep sleep so It's a great feeling

to have a dream for me when I do.

Though sometimes once every 2 months or so

I have a dream, a dream having to do with me being affectionate

with some one I know.

At first I thought maybe the dreams meant something

like I liked the person, but I honestly didnt think that was the reason.

Specially not after I dreamed of me and one of my closest

g*y friends. So if its the fact that I liked these people I have these

dreams of kissing and having s*x with, what do they mean?




  1. From my point of view, dreams are a continuation of what u are doing here in this reality.

    Whenever we repress some action (because we cannot jump on every woman we like on the street), this force will be applied on ourselves until we are tired or when we are asleep.

    When we are asleep, these repressions start to bubble up like a ball u were trying to keep it under the water with ur own hand.

    It is a natural phenomenon actually.

    Dreams are the continuation of processes that cannot finish when awake. When dreaming, you can experience the end of that process. And you can settle down (I had some experiences with a girl in highschool but we never had s*x, and even in dreams we could not do it. And about 2 months ago, I finally had s*x with this girl, and I was feeling sooooo relieved:P. Afterwards, everything had settled down inside me)

    From my point of view, consciously or not, you wanted some sexual experiences with those people, but they never materialized and they have bubbled up in your dreams for you to see / experience them.

    I guess there has to be a quantity of energy invested in repression or desiring for the bubbling process to happen. Otherwise, I guess that repression will be combined with other little repressions that will form some weird dream.

    Hope this helps:P

  2. yes they do, when you dream of having s*x with somebody, it usually is straight forward by telling you that u wanna have s*x with the person, but if you're certain you are not, (which you mentioned) then i guess it means u feel like you dont have enough connection or communication with the person ur having s*x with. more like you think you need to bond more with them. It could also mean you want to gain power over them.

  3. Well first off, ask yourself if s*x is a physical thing to you (simply used for "getting off"), or if you're the type that gets emotional pleasure from it, a sense of closeness, etc...or if you think s*x is "dirty" and embarrassing.

    Because it's going to mean different things for different people, since not all people feel the same way about s*x.

    If you are more the first type, then yeah, you probably do have at least some subconscious desire to have s*x with them. If you're the second type, the dream may mean you feel an emotional, close connection to them. If you're the third type, then it probably means you and whoever you dreamt about recently did something you're embarrassed about, or you fear they might find out something about you you don't want them to.

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