
Do these sound like early pregnancy symptoms?

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Ok The first day of my last period was August 12. My period is due on Sept. 9th. I have been having the following symptoms: Nausea, headaches, lower backache's, moodiness, cravings for pickles (yes pickles), breast pain, cramping, frequent urination, not being able to sleep well and feeling very tired. I stopped taking my BC on August it possible to be pregnant already?




  1. Yes

  2. you sound preggers to me. take a test, if neg. retest on the 10th.

  3. yes:)

  4. it sounds like you could be pregnant go get a test the results should be accurate.

  5. Yes. Get a test NOW!

  6. They could be pregnancy symptoms, especially if they are not what you experienced during AF. Test on the 10th for clearer results. I tested 4 days after AF was due & got a BHP. Good luck

  7. wow i had about everyone of them i didnt want pickles i wanted chocolate get a test

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