
Do these things consider as BAD or EVIL?

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Killing someone that trying to kill you family members, flogging someone that commiting adultery, shooting someone by gun/shotgun etc. for trying to kidnap a young girl..




  1. They are all considered illegal here in the US.  By the law of the land, dependant upon where you live, some may be legal.  Now, whether or not they are 'bad' or 'evil' rests in morals.  Personally, I think those are all 'bad' and 'evil'.  Some people may not think some are bad.  It really depends on where you live.

  2. Well, if it was my little girl that was kidnaped i would have no problem what so ever shooting them. So it depends on the situation. Like when little children get raped, i think that should be justification to do anything you please to that person. But thats just me. You mite disagree but try telling yourself that when it's your kid.

  3. evil........everything happened can discuss together.don't have to kill people.

  4. First of all, ethics differ from cultures. Secondly, the scenarios you listed are all circumstantial. Self-defense and a resolve to kill before you or others die is a term for survival not good or evil. That flogging bit is more like a punishment and it depends on the place's moral code/laws.

  5. i have a dog

  6. as Muslim law.. its okay for you to kill someone if they kill your relative.. but it is always wrong to kill someone even if he/she intend to kill your relative or family..

    PEACE =D

  7. You are a sick person! You are BAD and EVIL!!! Go see a psychiatrist


  8. I like to call this revenge....... which is a meal best served cold

  9. DETAIN.  That is legal.  Beat the c**p out of the kidnapper, just rake their teeth out.  BUT DETAIN others.  YOU could be the one that ends up in prison.

  10. waaahhhh....

    bad boy.. evil boy...

    jangan... jangan x buat...

  11. These are all bad things.  

  12. WOW....i think for now u just concentrate on your school werk....too much in the head is bad......

  13. Well, if you are trying to protect someone, I suppose using violence when necessary isn't wrong. But going as far as killing them, if it is on purpose, then it is bad.

  14. sounds reasonable to me......shooting a person thing....other stuff not so much

  15. if u kidnap someone that is bad realley bad and if u kill someone that is evil

  16. thats insane...

  17. Killing someone and trying to kill family members is always wrong. That's murder. If you kill someone in self defense I think that is all right. Going after their family afterward is wrong.

    As for flogging someone, when the hypocrites wanted to stone the girl caught in adultery and tried to trick Jesus into either condoning something violent or going against the Torah, he said "let he who is without sin cast the first stone". Since none of us are without sin,  no one had the right to do it so I believe its wrong.

    If you shot someone to prevent him kidnapping a young girl I believe that is right since you are protecting her and trying to save her life.

  18. "Killing someone that trying to kill your family members"=self-defense,a good yet evil thing.

    "Flogging someone commiting adultery"=busy body's thing,a stupid and evil thing.Nowadays we have digital camera,pal.

    "Shooting someone with gun for trying to kidnap a young girl"=a good and police's job,not even evil thing.

  19. You live with your actions.

  20. Whatever it is, it's definitely NOT GOOD.

  21. Depends on the culture I suppose.  I wouldn't say it is bad or evil, but rather extreme in enforcement

  22. Sounds like self defense if youre there when its happening and they have a weapon.

  23. Sometimes in doing right you must do evil.....Not all things done good can stop the bad...not all things bad are good.....eye for an eye....tooth for a tooth

  24. it's worse than bad it's the worst.

  25. Nope

    They Deserve it Expect the adultery one.

  26. neither

  27. not at all ....................but u should prevent ur self from all this type of redy thing..........why u have to kill him .give him one punch .....enough to settle him time remmeber my punch............

  28. both..

  29. Well I don't think it is wrong if someone pulls a gun or knife on you to blow their brains out.  So there ya go.  I might call it violent but not bad.  You are defending yourself and family.  Flogging someone for rape would be more on the up and up, but not for attempted kidnap or adultry.  See there is a fine line here.  You want to get those that actually deserve it.  You can't defend yourself if you are dead so in that case attempt to kill deserves defense.  However if you have been heart broken as a result of adultry just let karma take care of that.  I am not sure what to say about kidnap.  Depends on if the kidnapper was a parent and had intent to do harm etc.  Lots of factors.

  30. i consider it wrong not evil

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