
Do they care if I get my answer.?

by  |  earlier

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After a question that you answered gets resolved. Do you go and see what answer they chose if it wasn't yours?




  1. Not really...

  2. yes

  3. no cos im new 2 all this but maybe i will now

  4. LOL yeah it bothers me sometimes =\  

  5. Yes, because it's interesting. I also want to know which answer helped more than mine.

  6. if i don't get an email saying that i got best answer, i've already forgotten which question.

    on one occasion though, the question that i answered was about kurt cobain - my idol and when i didnt get that i kinda felt bummed.

  7. Depends on the question, and how proud I was of my answer. Hey Ill probably check this one later too, so hey kudos good Q.

  8. sometimes, specially when i broke my butt off just writing it.

  9. Sometimes I have  - if I thought I gave it my all and want to see who did better I look to see if I might learn something.

    Its often very depressing though and the best answer is given to someone who just does a one- liner crack or insult. So I have found that it often isn't very interesting and I stay with enjoying my own answers - I teach myself so much  it makes my day. So I try not to think about being chosen or not as that isn't in my gift.

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