
Do they check if the used camera still has pictures, before puting it on clearance?

by  |  earlier

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Do they check if the used camera still has pictures, before puting it on clearance?




  1. probably

    If you're buying, just format the card

    if you're selling, just format the card, and take pcitures of random stuff until the card is full and repeat 2times to make sure that any pictures you don't want seen are not seen.

  2. they only check for naked pictures. if there aren't any, then they don't care...

  3. what difference would it make?

    if it does and you dont want them just delete them.

  4. yes, first they check if it has a memory card in it... if so than they offer it to person who returned the camera! Then they check to see if the person had forgotten to delete their pics,if so they delete them all before putting back out on clearance.

      If your planning on returning a camera, delete all photos before returning. If your planing on buying a used camera than don't worry about it having pics in it because it won't except maybe really g*y demo photos.

  5. I would definitely think that they would check the cameras first & remove any/all photos that were stored in it.  I guess it's possible depending on the person, that they might not bother to check it, or might check it but not bother to delete the pictures.  

    Generally speaking, though - I would imagine that they would delete them all before putting it back out for sell.

  6. Who is 'they'?

  7. Yes they do.

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