
Do they check you for alcohol before jury duty?

by  |  earlier

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If you had drank the night before but cleaned up really well and were sobered up, would they notice? Do they check to see you if had/have been drinking?




  1. No, unless you were rip roaring drunk they would never notice.

  2. The last time I did jury duty, they didn't ask anyone about drinking or drug use. They just told us what they expected of us and then led us into the court room. We didn't have to do anything, though. The guy pled guilty to his crimes, so we were dismissed.

  3. No not that I know of.But it might depend on what state you are in.I know for sure they do not in California.

  4. Don't be drunk in court. Make sure they don't notice.

    It could cause (legal) problems.

  5. I bet

  6. No the don't check to see if you have been drinking, but if the smell it on your breath, that's another story.  don't try it.

  7. not unless you do something outlandish- you're not on trial, and noone has the right to suject you to a urinalysis w/o consent or a reason. The worst that can happen is they ask you to leave...

  8. yeah


  9. No ... I was called to jury duty in Dallas (and also Southern California), and no one gives you any test for liquor (or drugs)......I'm sure any defendant would be terrified if his jury were made up of drunks and druggies though!

  10. It would be kinda crazy to go to court drunk. If they found out, they would probably put you in jail.

  11. NO. I've done jury duty in the state of New Jersey and it never happened to me.

  12. They don't in Illinois, but then again, it's Illinois.

  13. Sloppy dressed hungover will get you jury duty everytime. The defense can call for a mistrial based on this.

  14. no! you can be drunk in court and they will never know! they dont test you at all...or smell you!

  15. If the other nosey jurors tell on you or suspect it, you can be removed for juror misconduct.  If the judge decides to push it you can be arrested for "drunk in public."  If you ever get arrested or sued when you get older, would you like a juror who wasn't paying attention deciding your fate?  Maybe not -right? It is a serious job and the tables may turn on you one day.  People sue for ANYTHING and you may be facing a trial one day for DUI or a lawsuit over something you'd least expect.  It happens.  You decide.  It's nicer if you rest before the trial so you don't s***w someone over by not paying attention.  

    Some of these District Attorneys OVER charge the defendant with all sorts of bogus, inflated charges, just to have the defendant plea bargain down to the REAL offense.  For example, a guy may have simply punched another guy in a bar fight and been charged with Felony Criminal Threats instead of what he really did: misdemeanor Battery and Assault.  The D.A.'s do over-charge so that in the plea bargaining phase, the defendant gets scared and pleads No Lo Contendre (no contest) or Guilty to a lesser charge -- the charge he really committed.  So if you were a juror who wasn't paying attention you may think the guy was a menace to society -- a potential felon when all he did was defend someone in a fight which is a basic misdemeanor of battery if he only used fists and didn't hurt the other guy too much.  You really have to be alert in court or you may send this guy away with a felony on his record just cuz you were too screwed up to hear all the facts clearly. Sitting on a lawsuit case is also complex and you shouldn't be a f-up cuz payback is a wicked beeey-och when you least expect her.

  16. They wont test you but I wouldnt show up lit just because they can smell and see it and they will arrest ya

  17. Ha ha  what a beauty of  a question. you're  toasted man.

  18. If they checked everyone for alcohol.

    The Judge would never get in!!

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