
Do they do a credit check in adoption screening?

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My husband and I are not going to have any biological children together. Mostly because of medical/genetic reasons. We have nothing that would shorten our lives/time with a potential child, but pregnancy would be unsafe.

We have been thinking about adoption. However, I had a question. Do adoption agencies credit check potential adoptive parents? I just ask because it seems nowadays even some job offers come with a credit check as there is a judgement that poor credit = poor character. My husband has very good to superior credit. I have abyssmal credit. I took a lot of big hits when I was in a car accident a few years back and haven't really reestablished good credit. I am afraid to apply because its very lousy. At this time in my life, I don't have any new credit in my married name either. I have not cosigned with my husband on loans because we wouldn't qualify if I was on them. We don't have any other skeletons.

Does this figure heavily on an application?:




  1. Yes, they certainly do do a credit check on both prospective parents.  They want to make sure the child would be in a secure and safe environment.

  2. There is a credit check in many states, yes. The adoption agency wants to make sure that not only can you pay the adoption fees, but that you also show the ability to afford the expense of taking care of a child later. However, if your husband has good credit and/or excellent job stability, that will help nullify your low credit score in the agency's eyes, as the two of you could collectively afford the child care expenses.

    Overall, it doesn't figure too heavily, though. Personality, especially a rational and open mindset, can go a longer way than you might think. Remember, most states will also have a psychological profile done on potential parents.

  3. I believe so

  4. Some states have them.  You have to do a financial statement, back ground check.  Check with your church to see if they work with an agency and you can call someone and ask questions.

  5. My husband and I have quite substandard credit due to very poor choices (mostly) and circumstances when we first got married.

    We even have poor credit after a bankruptcy because of military deployments and the like (delayed payments to us = delayed payments to lenders).

    However, they are looking at your ability to pay your bills, keep up car insurance, and the like.

    They may check your credit, but what they're looking for mostly is your current ability to keep a comfortable, safe home for the child(ren).

    They'll ask you your income and ask you to provide proof, and then analyze your current debt to income ratio.

  6. For our adoption, we just had to list all assets and debts, to determine our net worth.  There was no official credit check.

  7. They check everything imaginable.  Bad credit won't necessarily bar you from adopting, but you will need to convince your social worker (and at least one judge) that you are financially responsible and capable of providing for your child.  Whatever you do, don't lie or withhold information.  Be forthcoming about your credit history and explain why you can still be a good parent.

  8. you should be fine.  i have the same issue, hubby has great credit and i made some bad choices early in my adult life.  young girl + credit cards = very bad, lol.  they do look at what you bring in as far as income and what your outgoing bills are.  basically i think they are just looking to make sure you can financially provide for the child.  at least in my state they do background checks but not a credit check.  but different agencies may have different rules but i'm pretty sure as long as you can prove you can financially provide as well as emotionally for a child your actual credit doesn't seem to matter.

  9. not sure in all states but yes they use it to a degree and you should try and get some help in fixing it prior to the process but if not alway be upfront and explain why and they will understand good luck

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