My husband and I are not going to have any biological children together. Mostly because of medical/genetic reasons. We have nothing that would shorten our lives/time with a potential child, but pregnancy would be unsafe.
We have been thinking about adoption. However, I had a question. Do adoption agencies credit check potential adoptive parents? I just ask because it seems nowadays even some job offers come with a credit check as there is a judgement that poor credit = poor character. My husband has very good to superior credit. I have abyssmal credit. I took a lot of big hits when I was in a car accident a few years back and haven't really reestablished good credit. I am afraid to apply because its very lousy. At this time in my life, I don't have any new credit in my married name either. I have not cosigned with my husband on loans because we wouldn't qualify if I was on them. We don't have any other skeletons.
Does this figure heavily on an application?: