
Do they even MAKE black gravel???

by  |  earlier

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OK, so i want black gravel for my tank and i cannot find it anywhere!! i managed to find it in little plastic zip-lock baggies that hold like 1cup at PetValue..... have you ever seen it in large quantities?? i live in Canad BTW=] should i ask clerk at the petstore about it? i mean, they have it in little bags so they must get it in big bags and split it up, right? so should i ask about it? TY!! =]




  1. yes

  2. Ask a pet store to order some for you.  Most should be willing to do so.

  3. They do it will cost alot more though.

  4. Yes....go to a local pet store....they will show you soooo many types of gravel...they even have glow in the dark gravel now...just about anything you could imagine

  5. i like the color blue better... but yes they do

  6. ask and if they dont have it look it up online

  7. Yes, they make black gravel.  Here's some for sale: specifically

    It's so expensive to buy it in bulk online, though, because the shipping and handling for transporting rocks is hideously expensive.  What I do is just go to my local Dollar Tree, a store with a bunch of stuff for a dollar, and I buy all their accent rocks.  Lol, they look at me funny for buying twenty pounds of rocks, but for twenty bucks, it's a fabulous deal.

    At least one of the fish stores near you will carry black gravel.  The Walmart near me sells black gravel, in fact.

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