
Do they exist anymore?

by  |  earlier

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The type of man who will open a door for a woman, not take adavantage of her, and generally respect women? There are a couple in my grade, but in the 'real world'?

I need to know that gentlemen are still around- everywhere i look there are sleazy men who are derogatory toward women.




  1. Simply, YES!  There are.....

    oh, and when you're done, can I have the list of the ones you don't want?

    Really, yes, there are wonderful men about.  I hope you find one.

  2. This is a good question. And i would love to know!! Your so right, everywhere i look there are sleezy men. i don't know if there are any good people anymore

  3. theyre hard to find, but i know there are some out there.

    be careful though, with soo many jerks out there its hard to adjust to there niceness/respect and you might push them away because your afraid its fake sometimes you just have to trust; dont be afraid of the stairs, be afraid of the fall...i know from expirience  :(  

  4. There are; I'll bet they're all around you but just not "flashy" enough to gain your notice thus far.

  5. I treat my wife and two daughters just like that. And your gonna laugh, But when I let my dog in from outside, I open the door and say ladys first. But I try to treat women, animals, and Men with as much respect that I can summon. Unless the person is completly disrespectful, Then i just stay away. God bless.

  6. They exist.

    I'm one of them.  Alas, there are no women out there who are my age who accept such chivalry.

  7. Yea it does some guys don't show that for all girls because these days the girls dont have much self respect and then the man doesnt like showing it. My boyfriend probably treated alot of girls bad but when he met me he treats me like his little princess and whatever im doing he grabs the fan and puts in on my face because he thinks i am hott and he will open the door and hold my hand all the time. He doesnt like girls who act discusting and talk discusting....There are alot of good men im sure of it but they can be found as well as woman there are alot of good woman there hard to find them because there are alot of unfaithfull people now days and its hard to trust people, we trust eachother completely and are faithfull and i love him with all of my heart.

  8. I do my best to be respectful of people so, yes, I respect women.

    I am not a user, so I do not take advantage of women.

    However, the ideas that some women - particularly women in the States, it must be said - have with regard to what actions constitute courteous behavior on the part of a man toward a woman can be a bit silly.

    For example, the door opening thing. I automatically open the doors of houses or buildings when I'm with my partner and allow her to go through first. I've always done that when with women and it's just habit. But I do not do this BS thing that many women in the States seem to expect and run around the car to open the door for her then carefully close it for her once she's seated. She's not a helpless child, she's an adult and, because I respect her, I know she's competent to do that task for herself.

    I remember seeing some TV program set in the States where a Southern "Lady" made a big deal out of how she would never open the car door for herself when she was with a "Gentleman". If she'd tried that with this gentleman, I would have respected her decision to stand in the road as I drove off.

  9. i think friend is a nice guy. he has a fun personality but he is a total gentleman....when my friend brittney( who he likes) was walking barefoot on the hot concrete he picker her up and carried her. And he will open the door for you and everything.

    just don't loose hope. :)

  10. There are a couple in your grade?  You don't consider them to be living in the "real world"?

  11. a lot of men are courteous towards women and respect them.  i don't look at the sleazy ones but try to find the good ones.

  12. Well of course they do. There's some everywhere. The real world, the fairy tale world, the movies. Note that finding one isn't all that easy, but it isn't too hard either.

  13. yea i know a couple

    there scarce

  14. I can be a gentleman but you will have to deserve it. If you are a naughty girl I will spank you.

  15. Yes.

    If you can't find one, make one.

  16. they do exist:)!!! however, there's not many of them around these days:)!!
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