
Do they give a lot of scholarships for Global Young Leaders Conference? Has anyone here ever gotten one?

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I just want to know if they actually give them or if they just say they do and only really give out like 1. Because I want to go but I can't if I don't get a scholarship, and I don't want to waste my time filling out the application if it won't help. Thanks!




  1. i have received and so did a couple of my friends.  I asked my councilors at school, and they said it was more like a scam.  You may have noticed, if you have looked in the package it asks for about 2000ish dollars to participate and it does not offer any sort of sponsor.  I know many who received it and i did as well, but none actually went.  However feel free to spend the money and figure out what it actually is, if you're comfortable and interested  

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