
Do they give little kids stitches?

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when i was little i hurt my head and i have a scar. it looks lik it might have had stitches on it but i was too young to remember what happen. I was 1 year old. this made me wonder how old a kid has to be to get stitches or if they use that tape stuff?




  1. My daughter fell and bumped her head when she was a year old and had to have 4 stitches in her head....they said tape wouldn't work.  Oh man, that was not pretty, the poor thing, 3 of us were holding her was awful!! But yah, if the cut is deep enough they have to do stitches! Yikes!

  2. a few years back yes .but now we try to glue it

  3. yes ,

  4. As Jason C said sutures can be used at any age, even newborns only a few days old. The new tech out there now for smaller wounds needing sutures is Dermabond or medical grade superglue.

    - David

  5. Yeah they do! Its sad but they do

  6. Yes, sutures are used on children. The type of sutures, or even staples, tape, or skin glue, depends on the location of the wound. For instance, if it were on the face, a lot of very fine sutures would be placed close together to make a very nice "wound edge" and reduce the risk of a bad scar.

    If the wound were on the forearm, however, then tape or glue might be used; but the area would have to be "low tension". If the area is under a lot of pressure, like the skin near a joint, then sutures or staples would be necessary.

    There are many ways to treat a wound, but they are similar for any age group. The biggest difference is the need for restraint, as some young children need to be held still or put into a papoose restraint. It is sad to watch, but ultimately it makes for better wound closure and a cleaner scar.

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