
Do they have American schools in France?

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Do they have American schools, as in English speaking students and teachers, in France? My dad works in the embassy so we always get different assignments and we're moving a lot and i seriously dont want to move to France because i know people there speak weird and every thing's so small and tiny and people have different lifestyles... and the car assigned to us is so small, it can barely fit four people ugh....ima be pissed if we get an assignment there, but do they have american schools there?




  1. Absolutely, it is not a third-world country, we have world-class schools and universities, and also dedicated schools for Americans, British or Germans...

    Lifestyle is France is as odd as everywhere else when you are a foreigner. But here food is delicious and cultural life is outstanding.

    You are very lucky to go there.

  2. Try in those websites there a lotta american school out of here.!

  3. I was transfered abroad when I was in my college years.  It was the greatest thing that ever happened to me.  Because of my overseas education, I had a lot more doors open than if I hadn't lived abroad.  You are very fortunate.  

    If you wind up living in France - yes, there are American schools there - Im sure more than a few.  Here is one - I don't know your age, but this is more to prove there are  American schools in France.

    Trust me, if you open your mind, coupled with a little maturity, you will realize that you are being handed a wonderful opportunity AND to have a real shot at learning a second language is a true gift.  Finally, Bigger does not always mean better.  

    So don't be pissed if you transfer there- it could be the best time of your life!!!

  4. yup

    they have tons of schools just like anyother country

    youre extremely lucky if your moving to france

    im dying to move there once i finish high school

    and learning french is your best bet if your moving there

    not everyone speak english, although most do

    its really hard at first (like any language) but im in my 3rd year and its so much easier now. and rewarding.

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