
Do they have American schools in London?

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Do they have American schools, as in English speaking students and teachers, in London? My dad works in the embassy so we always get different assignments and we're moving a lot and i seriously dont want to move to England because i know people there speak weird and every thing's so small and people have different lifestyles... and the car assigned to us is so small... what's the point? ugh....ima be pissed if we get an assignment there, but do they have american schools there? do they also have american television?

i'm really going to miss my america. everything's so much bigger and better here. :(




  1. This a deliberate wind-up, isn't it ?

    Either that, or you are very, very simple.

  2. Yeah they do, there's quite a few American kids that go to my school and I think you'll find that pretty much everyone in England does actually speak English. London's one of the greatest and most powerful cities in the world, just because you have fatter portions and bigger gas guzzlers in America, it doesn't mean you won't like it here as well. Also you will be able to watch a lot of American TV here, they show all the series like Lost, Friends etc as well as reality TV like America's Got Talent. Good luck with the move, but you need to have a more positive attitude if you're ever going to enjoy living here.

  3. English is the native language of the English. Pretty much all Scottish, Welsh and Irish people speak it too.

    The car is small because the roads are small and petrol is expensive. There would be no point getting a big car because you would never be able to use it.

    We have a h**l of a lot of US programmes on British telly, so you won't be wanting there.

    Your attitude is not making you look big or clever. It is making you look like an offensive, whinging teenager. Wake up, you are coming to a country with better schools and better telly. If you don't care for furthering yourself, stay put.

  4. London is in England we speak English

    TV or be a normal person and use Sky or Virgin media and yes theres plenty of American media this is the western world and an English speaking nation like yours of  course there are American shows and channels most the stuff people watch here is in fact American I have abc thats not English

  5. Please stay in the USA, along with your like minded friends.

  6. This is not very nice, you don't want to move to London, and you say we speak weird and you want help? we only help people who are proud to be here in good old London, stay where you're.

  7. Yes, they have American schools in London (schools run by Americans for expats..)

    I assume you are being ironic with regards to the ENGLISH language, so I won't go there.

    Have a nice day.



  8. Ho dear, your the type who get your fellow country men a bad name here in england, you sound a bit thick compared to the Americans i know, who are very nice people, but i think you should stay home

  9. You already seem to have made up your mind about us.

    UK is not that bad and according to one American friend of mine it rains for only 364 days of the year here in England and on the 365th it snows.

    Yes there is an American School here in London.

    This next link takes you to the most famous American School in the world . . .

    The American School in London At its May 2008 meeting, the Board of Trustees unanimously approved a revised Mission Statement for ASL. The process involved 11 different focus groups and ...  

    English was born right here in England.  English is the language of the English people - it is also a quite widely spoken language in what is known as the English Speaking World.  UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and USA.

    Relax - here's Rich Hall an American-Londoner

    There are an estimated 500,000 Americans living and working here in London.  Sooner or later you are bound to meet one.  I have, lots actually.

    Covent Garden on St. George's Day - and I bet you think tap dancing came from Africa - actually, no.  Here it is performed 18thC style . . .

    See, you can have fun in London and it's free.

    This next website gets you hundreds of 360-pans of London - view of etc

    By Royal Commans of HM Queen Elizabeth at 9/11

    Buckingham Palace Yard - London still don't like us then?  We're really not that bad.  Yes, we are stand-offish, snobbish, rude, vacant stare, drink too much, read trashy novels, have wild opinions on every subject under the sun, loudly voice our opinions, do marches and demonstrations and generally make a nuisance of ourselves.  Who are we?  We're the Brits and sometimes we can be downright in your face.

    Johnny Rotten - a Londoner - lost the plot somewhere. . .

    Democracy in action - the House of Commons

    You can visit the House of Commons - there's a visitor's gallery or you can just watch it online at the Parliament Channel BBC.

    Here's a link to lots of BBC video-clips where you can hear English spoken in strange accents which no one ever heard even in a nightmare before.

    London Prise by Noel Coward (a Londoner)

  10. There is one in Aberdeen so I'm sure there is one in London.

    As for the television,there's far too much of the bloody stuff.

    Big cars=big pollution.Pity your American brains aren't so much bigger and better.

  11. You've already asked this.

    Firstly, we do speak English here, after all, we are English.

    If you're dad works in the embassy, you can probs afford to go to private school (known as public schools here), which are perfectly fine.

    But there is the American School in London, in St Johns Wood.

  12. Well on behalf of the English I hope that you either learn that there's plenty of good stuff in our country, or that you just f*** off back to America.

    Maybe an English school could teach you some tolerance to different voices and different lifestyles.

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