
Do they have a crush even though they're married to other people??

by  |  earlier

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A married man always stares at one woman he works with, smiles a lot at her, always tries to run into her, drops what he's doing to say hi, never moves out of her way when she's walking by (even though he knows she will have to "squeeze by" - and he moves for other people!); holds the door for her everywhere and makes it clear he's doing it just for her...

He casually touches her hand and keeps his there; he gets really close to her when talking, checks out her body, makes time for her when he's really busy just because she asked for something... The other day, he was talking to a few people on one side of the room, she was behind him talking to someone else. He kept glancing over at her during his conversation, always checking to see if she was there and if she would look – when his conversation was done, he walked by her and they both stared at each other.

He knows that this woman is also married and pregnant – and so is his wife. Still, that hasn’t stopped the way he has acted towards her for many months now.

Does this mean he wants something to happen between them? Is this a crush?




  1. Don't know if it is a crush or an obsession but I have always found pregnant women to be radiating and since his wife is also pregnant he just might be paying the same attention to the co-worker as he would his own wife.  I am not sure where you are coming from unless you are one of either one and asking this question for some confirmation.

  2. Yes this sounds like it is a crush and possibly they do want something to happen. I would be on guard  

  3. They are giving attention that is meant for only their spouses.  It is wrong and it sounds to me something is going on.  Most times, people don't innocently flirt, there is some intention behind it.  D*mn, no wonder divorce is so high...don't ppl have morals anymore?!

  4. if you both are married then uphold your vows and stay away. I understand that it is nice to be paid attention to by the opposite s*x but you are just setting yourself up for trouble. You need to be the adult who stops flirting. Respect your husband and your marriage..forget him.

  5. Of course! They are still human after all. Everyone (whether bound to someone or not) will continue to crush on others. It's natural to like other people. It doesn't necessarily mean he wants to be with her. Although it seems as this man is very infatuated with this women. It's quite possible that he wants more than just a co-worker relationship.  

  6. Honestly, it sounds like an affair, but I suppose it could be just a crush. I still think it is an affair, though..and if it's not, it is certainly a crush.

    They are doing a terrible job at keeping their romance under wraps, if you picked up on it.

  7. The only women that married men should be "staring" at is their wives.  

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